Help With Name?

I had a name for my future crafting business, "Jar of Dreams", but found out it's the name of at least one popular book (which I'd obviously never heard of) and I don't know if I want to use it anymore. Then I thought of "Dream Speak" which is the title of many dream interpretation websites. I'd go with "Demos Oneiron" (Greek Land of Dreams) but that's not a name people remember and the spelling may be off (I've researched for weeks and found many variations, and none have proof of being correct). So basically, I need help coming up with a new name.

What I'll sell: Hoodies of a messy nature (such as strips of different solid fabrics to create patterns, plain hoodies with lots of embellishments, patterned or band hoodies with convertible/unconventional qualities), hand-painted shirts (mainly tank tops carrying a dream-like/surrealist appearance), purses (unusual fabrics and designs, hidden/extra compartments for storage, my original patterns only, always reversible), jewelry (following the dream-like/surrealist theme, incorporates soft and hard with feminine and edgy, ribbon/chain, scrabble tile pendants/earrings, fiber art form jewelry, fabric scrap items), journals (multipurpose--to include mixed materials such as old paper, handmade paper, fabric, etc.), dolls (stuffed animals/creatures representing a theme, could be custom-made)
~~All goods will have at least one part that is eco-friendly by means of recycling/thrifting/repurposing. My items will mostly be unusual, not 100% surrealist but surrealism plays a grand part in my products, as well as trees (to me they mean dreams) and the actual dreaming elements (clouds, flow, secret compartments, etc.). Sort of a striking meets edgy meets futuristic.~~

What I'll include: I want to make the people who bought from me feel like I'm truly grateful for their purchase and will create hand-written thank you notes inside vintage button bags with a small card that says something kind or thoughtful on it. I was thinking I'd include a free gift of their choice for every X amount of money they spend (could be free shipping, small jewelry, craft supplies, a picture).

For further help, here are some pictures of things I've created so far (no hoodies, journals, or dolls I'm willing to sell yet):

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7 replies since 21st February 2010 • Last reply 21st February 2010

Dreamweaver? Dreamscapes? Waking Dreams? Soz it's late and that's the best I could come up with=) Ooh Dream Seeds?

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How about

Dionysaic Dreamer

Dionysiac means passionate, energetic, creative, spontaneous and emotional. Check out literal meaning as I looked in my lexicon.

Hi Laurel. Not stalking honest....Lol!!! Happy

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Stalker!!! Again=)

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Those are all wonderful names, Lauriel. Thank you! And Sheila, that's such a strange, awesome name and I love it, but I think it might be too hard for others to remember. I know I'll find a place to use it--trust me--but people and their short attention spans. Feh. =)

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(Surreal) Dream Queen? Sorry it rhymes but it's easy to remember

Hi again Laurel LOL x

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Yume (yu-meh) it means dream in Japanese.

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@ Sheila: Dream Queen sounds like a fun name. Thank you. =)

@ Jo Anna: I could probably find a way to use that somewhere, thanks! Different languages are awesome to those who don't speak them (---> me)

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