I actually love swallow jewellery and charms etc, but I CAN'T FIND ANY SWALLOW CHARMS!!

I don't really mind what size they are, a variety would be nice but around about an inch could be best..

I'm in the UK, and dont want to have to pay more than a few quid for a multipack of like 10 or so, however if anyone can link me any reasconably priced swallow charms it would MAKE MY WEEK!

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14 replies since 28th March 2010 • Last reply 28th March 2010

omg, if i could find ANYTHING for that price around here, id be ecstatic.

anyway, if you cant find them, why not make them? good luck, though; i feel your pain.

let us know if you find some!! :-D

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You could make some out of shrink plastic.

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I saw a necklace in H&M today with a very tiny swallow on it... hope tht helps! i think it was about £3 btw

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i've tried making some, with shrink plastic, and they did turn out quite well and colourful although metal ones would be even better.. Happy

thankyou for the links, i will take a look!

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aww the etsy ones are gorgeous! shame, because i live in the UK and they are from america Happy

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You can't order them still? I order stuff from over seas on there all the time. (=

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these 2 uk sites both have metal swallows.
and http://www.myvintagecharms.com/theme/birds.htm
I haven't ordered from the second place before but the first is good.
I hope that helps.

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ooh i shall have to see, do you need an account with etsy to buy from there? actually stupid question you probably do..

mailorder beads looks really good, expect the charms are like over £1 each.. not ideal :/

my vintage charms! been on there before but never ordered, will have to look there again Happy

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Maybe a little pricyer than you want them Happy

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beadsdirect.co.uk might be worth a look as they a load of pendants and charms. I've had a look and the bird charms look like swallows to me :/ I'm not sure though. Check the site and search for bird in the search window and see what you think.

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wasn't looking for swallow charms but somehow came across them anyway here http://www.punkypins.co.uk/make-your-own-jewellery-c11/vintage-inspired-c61/5-x-brass-flying-swallow-pendants-p585

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thankyou for more places to look Happy)

for now, i have like 10 hummingbird ones i found on ebay for just £1.20,, bargain, and just as gorgeous as swallows!! <3

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