I need KAWAII ideas!!!

I love making little cute fimo jewellery charms, like rainbows and cupcakes with smiley faces; but i'm starting to run out of ideas!! any help? :0

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12 replies since 30th March 2010 • Last reply 30th March 2010

Try searching google images for kawaii and brace yaself, there's tons of 'em=)

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What about pandas, bunnies, kitties, moons, stars, mushrooms, toast, and hair bows?

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You can check out the comic strip Kuwaii Not. All kinds of cute pics.

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Why not make animals?

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Hi emma,
i've had the same problem a fewweeks ago, and i've been searching everywhere on the internet, but i always kept coming back to the same boring things.
So i decided to just walk around in the house, and just draw everything i say, even if it was a bottle or some kind of stationary.
Kawaii is like.. a style, so its actually something you can add to everything you want. Which is exactly what i did.
I made kawaii pencils, juice bottles, pies, fridges, lamps, whatever i saw or could imagine.
Maybe that is something you should do; not look for typically kawaii things, but just walk around and make ordinary things kawaii.
Hope it helps.


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think food!like cakes and cuppy cakes with wipped cream!

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i always look at etsy and seeing what others have done inspire me and give me ideas

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well I know the feeling I'm doing a textiles project in school with a Japanese theme and I'm doing kawaii acsessories , try making mini swirled lolly pops there super easy to make . Then try cookies and milk with kawaii faces. Try typing in kawaii polymer clay on youtube and the ideas are fantastic ! oooh and try a pea pod necklace like mine there easy to make and you can add so many cute faces. Happy

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try cute skulls, sushi, puppys, kittens...

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I only found out was Kawaii was today - OMG they are soooooo cute. google images and pick what you like, or base it on your favourite animal or thing and google images on kawaii pictures of your favourite animals or whatever...

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Thanks, some really great ideas there Happy i looked an youtube and found this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7cl7c-kYIuw some really cute ideas! :0 I also looked around my house for some ideas. Happy

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Flowers, boomboxes, ponies, A one bright color head, hand, arm, pig ( with a tail of course),

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