
Backus Minnesota United States 28 projects

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I always had a big imagination. 

When I was little I would spend hours playing "town" or "house", creating my characters from the simplest of toys and giving them little adventures to go on.  It was pretty intense.

As I grew up, my mind turned to art. I began to sketch and draw using the world as my template.  I used up tons of journals with drawings ranging from my worse to best and spent a lot of time that should have been used for sleeping, drawing whatever came to my mind. I love looking back and seeing how far my art has evolved.

I found this site a while ago, and it was through this that inspired me to expand my abilities from creating art to other unique things like jewelry and plushies.

I can't tell you how much time I spend daydreaming of all the things that I can craft. I remember seeing cute cake charms for sale at a store. Unfortunately they were severly overpriced for something so tiny.


Liquid Polymer Clay Cake

Bam. After a few tries, I created these cuties. I love them to pieces! Sigh, I love crafting so much! And this website has helped me in so many ways. It helps ease that craze that takes over in the most random moments of my life.

THAT'S WHAT I WANT TO TALK ABOUT! That feeling of need to create. You know what Im saying?

It's comes from that idea that roots itself in your mind, poking and proding until you just HAVE to do whatever it tells you to do. That need to create. I have been working on a cover for my DSi for the past hour when I suddenly had a need for catharsis (I love that word btw).  This feeling of motivation is AMAZING and I love it! And best of all, when I finish my work that feeling of pride and accomplishment...it is indescribable. I felt like sharing my happiness somewhere. I thought that my CO+K blog would be the perfect place.

OH speaking of crafting motivations. I LOVE listening to music while I work on things. Right now as I am sewing this nose onto this bear face cover, Im listening to Mind Heist from the Inception soundtrack. It makes EVERYTHING I do seem epic.

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Ms. Nikell
Ms. Nikell · Charlotte, North Carolina, US · 52 projects
I too love to craft. I get super excited when I have found something clever to make.


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