Today was the first day lillian took a bus to school ever. I feel so bad I wasnt there to witness her get on it.
The Neighbor across the street was very sweet and is going to take her to the bus stop in the mornings for me.
I just want to get out of this wheelchair an start driving and walking soon. Being unable to do something that you are so use to doing just sucks. :(
I am really nervous, I went over the rules with lillian about the bus and streets. I saw her with the neighbor and Lilly was explaining to her that she had to look both ways 3 times before she crossed the street. I cant believe my baby is getting so big.
I watched them walk till they were out of my sighting from the front door. I am sure she got there safely or the school would of called me. My hubby told me not to call since he knows I am being a worried wart. But I am just being a mommy thats all.
I already miss her and cant believe summer is over already, before I know it Emma will be ready for school! Wow! crazy!
Anywho I just wanted to vent abit so I will be less crazy with the worries. lol