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So, it all started with the box that holds the whole thing. I don't why, when I saw it I instantly thought about the little altars to the Virgin Mary, Maria of Guadeloupe, etc. I don't particularly worship or follow anything, I just like the more traditional, Mexican religious art.
Then, while I was cleaning (more like excavating, haha) my room, I found random scraps of chain, beads, pearls, broken jewelry, lost pendants, etc. - things people might leave behind on an altar. I then gathered a barbie doll, some looser, cloth-ee barbie clothes (like big, open skirts or capes, wedding veils, whatever you have) and then arranged them around the doll as I liked, glued and rubber-banded.
Slowly, the idea/image evolved in my head and I remembered Jezebel's tale (naughty queen of Israel who was tossed out of her window to be eaten by dogs - all that was left of her was her feet, hands, and skull! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jezebel) and decided to run with it.
No on builds an altar to Jezebel, right? Haha.
Anyways, this evolved and took shape over a night ( I still haven't gone to sleep yet e--e ) and by about.. noon the next day, it was finished. I hand beaded all of the dangly things (except for the gold danglies on the bottom of the inner-box) and had a somewhat tough time figuring out how to attach her box to the big box - she only has legs down to about her knees, haha. Overall, I'm very pleased with all of it!

Hope you like ittt.

Posted by Lucifer A. from Boca Raton, Florida, United States • Published See Lucifer A.'s 7 projects »


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Jezebell · Sacramento, California, US · 12 projects
Thank you for making a shrine to me! BAHAHA ok sorry couldn't resist ;)
Sassy K.
Sassy K.
did this project make your room excavation get put on pause?? if so, sounds like my old days ^_^ creative and unique
Sassy K.
Sassy K.
did this project make your room excavation get put on pause?? if so, sounds like my old days ^_^ creative and unique

CO + K User

Love it - worth pulling an all-nighter for=)

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