Favourite Books Of All Time?

Mine would have to be <b>The Unbearable Lightness Of Being</b>, <b>Go Ask Alice</b> and <b>Memoirs Of A Geisha</b>.

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54 replies since 26th October 2007 • Last reply 26th October 2007

I read Go Ask Alice several times in high school. Loved it.

Read Memoirs of a Geisha last year. I tend to enjoy books about China, and I loved the feeling of that book.

Too hard a question.

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I remember Go ask Alice in high school. That was a great book.

I am a big fan of Memoirs of a Geisha as well. I must have read it a dozen times just for fun. I was given Geisha by Liza Dalby by a roomie as a result and I read that one for fun now too. I just wish there were more good books on geisha. Geisha a Life by Mineko Iwasaki would have been good if Mineko didn't come of so snobby and self important.

My fave from way back in the day is "Six Months to Live" about a girl who finds out she has leukemia. I loved that book when I was 11.

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I enjoyed Go Ask Alice but my all time favorite as of now is definetly The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath.

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Yeah, I really enjoyed The Bell Jar too, I should have put that on the list too.

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*hides* I read Go Ask Alice a few years ago; but I decided I didn't like it.

It seemed sort of a like a ploy to keep kids off drugs (not that there's anything wrong with that!) instead of (what I had been told it was) a real account of a real girl with real problems. Anyway...

I absolutely love Lolita. I could read it over and over every day. So romantic.. and heartbreaking! Yet triumphant. It's great. Sigh.

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Geek Love, Dracula (because it is open to so many subversive readings), anything by Kim Newman

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I adore Lolita!
Yes, it's so heartbreaking, but it's probably the only novel where I actually believe there was love in the first place, and I actually liked the main character even though when you tell people what the story is about they raise their eyebrows

I love books by Chuck Palahniuk (or however you spell his last name) choke and invisible monsters are the best from him

david sedaris also, amazing writer, very funny and cynical

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I love The Bell Jar, it's so heartbreaking. And even worse cause it's almost autobiographical. I adore Sylvia Plath <3

I'm a big Bret Easton Ellis fan, especially American Psycho and Lunar Park. I also love The Wasp Factory by Iain Banks and lots of Anne Rice books. And I've just been reminded by narrator's avatar that A Clockwork Orange is a kickass book. Ooh oh and Trainspotting =)

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I really like Brett Easton Ellis too, Glamorama was very good!

Non-Fiction fave would be "They Fuck Up" by Oliver James a book by clinical psychologist Oliver James, he talks about how the care we receive in the first 6 years of our lives is what shapes our personalities. Very interesting and may provide you with some information with why your parents were they way they were.
I gave it to my mother afterwards, I don't think she ever read it lol

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Bret Easton Ellis is fab but I read all of his books in succession and though they're all incredible, they're all more-or-less about the same thing, y'know? And it was fairly predictable towards the end, like "Okay those rich people are going to have sex and take drugs and someone will get pregnantn and someone will die and then it'll get all fucked up and people will start raping other people and finding dead bodies"

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haha I read 3 in a row and had to stop too, for the same reason. It was just too much, the same with Anne Rice and the Vampire Chronicles, I think I read 5 in a row!!! Haven't gone back to them in nearly 5 years now. lol

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I dunno, I'm pretty good at reading lots of Anne Rice =P I've read every book except one that she's written under the name Anne Rice, and one as A.N. Roquelare. That comes to something stupid like sixteen books lol

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I read Anne Rice alot when I was a teenager, I traded books off with another girl
eventually I got bored with it though and stopped after Vittorio the Vampire, I think that was the last one I read, but any way, everything does become a little repetitive

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I dunno, if you keep a nice mix between the vampire chronicles and the Mayfair Witches, it's okay

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