I've never had a boyfriend.

26 replies since 18th January 2011 • Last reply 18th January 2011

Join a local gaming group, you'll find plenty of friends and learn fun games. Look up in your local comic book shop!

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I'm 15, and haven't had a boyfriend (well I had one in primary school - when you just say 'he's my boyfriend' but that doesn't really count) Don't worry about it! You're not the only one!

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im 17 n i have never dated anyone......i sometimes get jealous of my fwends relationships. but just keep one trying there is always someone out der for u.

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I'm 21 and have yet to have a Real boyfriend either. So dont feel so bad. lol
It really pisses me off too tho. Being alone. Seeing all of the people i graduated with already married/rich/engaged/kids. But i've learned that its gonna take time (and those people probably made a huge mistake rushing into it). I just live in a small town with a bunch of people that are NOTHING like me. Once i get away from here, im sure itll be different.

I've tried to have 2 different online "relationships" & they both ended really badly. REALLy badly. Never doing that again. I wish i was as lucky as you guys.
You have plenty of time, dont give up. And remember.... (most) Men are dogs. XD

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DarkAshHurts: It's like you're typing out my life story!! Although I'll be 22 this Wednesday Happy

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As a guy, I'd say don't try to get a boyfriend, try and find somewhere to make friends. If you can get to know a group of people you'll get more confident in meeting others. It's always hard if you don't socialise much, I'm an Aspie (Aspergers syndrome) so for me just meeting people was a huge challenge. Didn't have my first real girlfriend till I was 23.

There's a lot of pressure these days to find that 'perfect' someone, but don't let societies expectations railroad you into a relationship just because you think you should, find friends first and if something developes, it does. No rush Happy

Take a look at the things you like to do. Maybe google your interests along with your town name, see if there's any clubs you might like. Most of all, when you do meet guys, don't be afraid to say no if you're not romantically inclined!

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I share your pain. Im a worrier...

im realy young but for some reason i think if i get a boyfriend he is gonna try to sleep with me... im in year 8...

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Kinda just skimmed everyone elses posts here, so sorry if I repeat. My sister is going to be 20 in two months, and she's never even held a guys hand before. She is happy though, there have been a few guys she's been interested in but none panned out. To me the biggest thing about getting a boy friend, is before you do so, make sure your happy with yourself with out having a boy friend, cause not being so, can lead to a whole slew of issues...any way that's my two cents

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I'm 21 and he's 23. i met him through curiosity, this girl i went to college (3-4 years ago now) with was always talking about him, so i added him on facebook, we got talking and it went on from there. he's my first (for everything) and only. she's not happy that im marrying a guy she dated for a few weeks, don't see why she doesnt like it, shes married and has a kid already.
i would say though, it's a good idea to look at people around your own age, age gap doesn't matter if you're older, but it seems bigger when you are younger, about 2-10 years is the norm, but it can cause some issues with poeple

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consider yourself lucky. especially in high school. when i look back now i realize I had some really good guy friends i should have dated rather than the ones i did. I think the most important thing is to listen to your heart. Go with your gut instinct don't compromise your ideals or values for others.

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No one else has mentioned it so I thought I might.

Is it a boyfriend that you want for kissing and whatnot or is more of a friend hanging out aspect you want?

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Honestly I don't believe in casual dating... before I met my fiance my longest relationship was around a month, if I can't see myself marrying someone I wouldn't stay with them

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