&$^%$#^%# computer virus!!!!!!

OMG I am so angry!!

Yesterday I was doing an internet search to find out what the puffy red rash on my daughters leg might be. I opened a picture to get a closer look and I got a little pop up that said something like that site I was on was a threat and that I needed to remove the infections.. so, Like the idiot I am pushed OK, thinking this was one of OUR antivirus programs. Apparently not Happy

Virus is called av8.exe or Antivirus8. My poor husband was up all night trying to get it off with no luck (And he is somewhat good with this sort of thing)

Watch out for it, It will seriously &*%&% up your computer. Thank goodness we have 2 computers!! Now I have to spend my day trying to figure out how to move all our important files to an external hard drive so we can wipe the computer Happy (im not smart with computer stuff) Wish me luck

end rant

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6 replies since 21st October 2010 • Last reply 21st October 2010

Oh no that seriously sucks! As a girl whose only computer was a laptop with a bad hard drive- I know how bad that is and worse! My boyfriend doesn't think he can save anything off my hard drive so I can't get any of my files that are important.

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Argh, think everyone has been there before! Really hope you get it sorted Kitty Happy

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You need to click out of it using your browser. You can not press cancel or x or okay that will start the virus getting into your computer.

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Oh I've been down this road before - absolute nightmare. Spyware Doctor should get rid of it. Though you'll need to go on a different machine to get it as the virus prob won't let you do it on yours.

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Oh gosh honey I'm sorry to hear that, that sucks. We've all been there at some point or another. I've had to take my laptop back to PC World (don't!!) because it wouldn't turn on... THEN when I eventually got it back after like 3 weeks they gave MY computer a virus because it wouldn't let my computer access the internet, even though it was fine BEFORE it went in.

I hope you do get it fixed though, I think I'll put more of my stuff onto a USB stick, you can never be too careful!!

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Thx everyone Happy

Im trying to convince the hubby to bring it in to get fixed, He still thinks he can fix it. I will give him 1 week. I hate this 2nd computer.. it is so slow and old. But thank goodness I still have internet, so I should be thankful for that Happy

And apparently it's not a good idea to transfer files to an external hard drive.. the virus could be anywhere (even hiding in my pictures?). I sure hope I don't lose all my pics, I have like 3000 - 4000 since my 1st daughter was born.

My advice to you all is back up your stuff now while you can, it can (and does) happen to everyone at some point. sigh

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