354 replies since 8th December 2008 • Last reply 8th December 2008

My boyfriend is being a jerk right now.... and it's really a dumb reason why, but im still trying to be thoughtful but it's not working. He has commitment issues cause of crap that went down between his mom and his dad. And whenever marriage is brought up he avoids me, and im starting to want to cry cause i want to be married, and not when im old Happy he think's 50 is a good age to get married. I really dont want to sit around and wait that long, and call me old fashion but i want any kids we may have to not be bastards.... Happy Im depressed now....cause he's avoiding me again cause his mom and stepdad got married like three days ago (they are in their fifties)

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you have to ask yourself, do you want to wait. Are you happy.

My bf is scared of Marriage, his mom divoreced twice and is now living with another man. He is scared that our relationship will go down the crapper if we get married. And I am ok with living together, I have found the man for me.

So I am ok with it. But when I was younger I was dating this guy[first bf] who wanted to get married and wanted me to wait 10 years to do so.

At that time I was like hell no. There were so many things I wanted to do, and I broke up with him.

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I am happy, and i'm not saying i want to get married this second. I mean, waiting tn years is fine. But I'm 20, and my family on both sides have wombs tht shiver before they hit 35. I don't mind waiting for a while, really an even if we get married after like the frist kid. I'm fine, i just want to be married before i'm fifty. (be dramatic sigh) he's confusing.

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ok, well men are strange

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what about your problems in the past Jasmin.. seems that everything is fine now... good to hear

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yeah, worked most of those out. the ones that haunt me are ones i just have to deal with, or get anmneisa

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I wish my bf would spend more time with me then playing his computer games

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i second michelle, well mine is with xbox, but still same idea. and than he says he is spending time with me, i just dont notice it......

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i wish boys would text back. hurrumph.

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my boyfriend is gone drinking, boo.

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Why does his mother have to be the way she is...and why does HE have to LET her!?

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Lol Jasmin..mine is exactly like that too sometimes... he is working on stuff for the university in the same room with me and then he said that he spend time with me because he could also write in another room ^^*g*

Well,but I can´t say anything against his videogame playing..
Yesterday we played til 6 o´clock in the mornig and I started playing at 13 o´clock the other day..
He joined me after his university stuff at 3 o´clock in the morning an played til 8 o´clock.. while I was sleeping*g*

You have both have to join him while playing videogame girls.. That´s so much fun ;)
We are like best friends..and I love it ^^

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I wish that my boyfriend had a cell phone. He's in england and I can't text or call him Happy. I miss him!! I never thought I would miss a guy so much but...ugh. It's so wierd, I'm getting all sad every 5 minutes. Gah.

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Me, Tim and Chaz were up for ages last night playing Mario Kart, that was fun. But then they switched to Banjo Kazooie which I don't like. I just wish I got to spend more time alone with Tim.

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me too, I want more alone time. Last night my bf came home drunk

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