Life is boring, let's be pirates!!

I'm Captain Black-Eyed Suzy, and I'm sick of life on land...anyone want to be a pirate with me? Make sure you tell us your pirate name!

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15 replies since 26th June 2010 • Last reply 26th June 2010

Arrrrrr........Sid Mid Shipman here. Aye Captain.....I've got me sea legs and ready to come about. Looks like there be a strong westerly heading our way! Battern down those hatches and pull in the jib sheet (that's rope to any land lubbers)

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Welcome aboard!

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ahoy there matey

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RAWR Im a dinosaur.
Can I come be a pirate too?

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Haharr, sure!

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I'd love to be a pirate!!

Arrrrgh... matey's

The life of a Land lubber is no longer for me... argh.

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Haharr I laughed my booty right off the ship reading the title of ye post. Thought I would let you fellow pirates know that you can set your language to pirate on facebook!

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this is a super random post hahaa

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this is a super random post hahaa

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yes me matey, arrrrghh lub der facebook pirate speak

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Where be we bound Capt'n Black-Eyed Suzy?

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Arrrrrgh seconded on der lub of Facebook Pirate talk matey's!!!

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Oy dint know abowt the facebooker Pirate speakin' thing...Oy'll hafter look thatun' up.

Sheila, matey, we'll be sailin' fer the Bermuda Triangle. I've heard tell of mountains of treasure and rum on a secret island thereabouts.

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i m a lonely undead traveler.........
may i please join your crew ? :
(thats my pirate avatar)
<img src=<a onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href=""><img style="display:block; margin:0px auto 10px; text-align:center;cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;width: 320px; height: 240px;" src="" border="0" alt=""id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5488916035084233426" /></a>

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