Happy Birthday Melissa and Michelle! ^__^

And to everyone else who has their birthday today too! Happy

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5 replies since 28th June 2010 • Last reply 28th June 2010

<br><a href="http://www.spicecomments.com/"><img src="http://s338.photobucket.com/albums/n430/spicecomments/happy_birthday/00205.gif" border="0" alt="Happy Birthday Comments"></a>

Happy birthday to you both!

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AWWWWW you guys are so sweet! Thank you!!!!!!

And Happy Birthday Michelle G!!!!!! Hope you had a good one too!!!

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Happy Happy Birthdays!!!

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Omigosh I didn't realise it was your birthday yesturday. Happy Belated birthdays to Melissa and Michelle. I hope you both had a special day!! Happy

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awww thanks guys!

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