Cool people that inspire you - not just in the crafty sense but generally

I thought I'd start this thread as I thought it was a nice positive theme. What put it in my head was that I was out last night watching Peter Murphy perform live. If you have no idea who he is he was the lead singer of a goth band in the 80s called Bauhaus, he has performed and recorded as a solo artist since. They had and still have a massive following, as does he and I have loved them and him for about 20 years. Anyway, what I found inspiring about last night was watching him talk between tracks. The man doesn't stop talking but was very funny and although I always knew he had a stammer in the bands early days I just assumed that he would either have overcome it or not talk between songs. Well he seems to have pretty much overcome it but it was still there but rather than prevent him from talking to the audience he just rabbited on regardless and seemed to manage it with breathing exercises and through slightly singing bits. What I found inspiring was that he just didn't seem to give a monkeys and neither did anyone else. Maybe its an age thing (he said he was 52) but it made me think about all the stressing I do about the tremor I get when I'm anxious/low and how little it actually matters.

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7 replies since 12th October 2009 • Last reply 12th October 2009

Kat, you inspire me. I suffer from really bad depression and anxiety. It got so bad last week that I was unable to leave my house at all. I had lost all hope that it would get better and had an overwhelming fear that everyone thought I was a bad person because of my bipolar disorder. For some unknown reason, I came to CO+K during my lowest point and went to the thread on Depression. Something you said totally snapped me out of it and gave me a new outlook on everything and things have been looking up ever since that time. You said that mental illness is not a personality trait. I keep that thought with me at all times because I know I'm a person of good character who just happens to have a chronic illness that is treatable. Thank you, Kat. I love you.

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I like to think you all inspire me

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Thank you Kiddo x Thats so amazing to hear. I'm really pleased that what I said helped. It something I have to keep reminding myself off.

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Jonas Brothers - such nice people, if I was like them I'd be a better person

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My Nanny and Poppy. My Poppy used to draw me cartoon characters and he could paint beautiful pictures. He's inspired me to take on art and I paint with water color, cartoons are the only thing that I can actually draw :p My Nanny used to sew and take in my clothes for me because they were usually too big. She would make my barbies clothes for me too until I was able to kind of do them myself. Ever since they passed away, I like to think that my hobbies/talents are because of them

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audrey hepburn, she is an amazing actress

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Everyone on here inspire me Happy It's amazing to see all the different things that go on in peoples minds and how they decide to express them Happy

All my inspiration comes from different places its hard to pick them out. I just hate it when no matter what you do you can't seem to get inspired to do anything! (which has been me as of late)

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