Calling All Mommies!

Hey Moms! Tell me about youselves and your little cuddle fishs you have at home.

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10 replies since 24th August 2009 • Last reply 24th August 2009

im drea.. live in utah haha.. lame i know. i have two baby girls. one is going to be two and one is 4 months.

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hi- i'm heather. i have two toddlers and my life is crazy! my son elliott was born may 26 2007 and my daughter lillian was born may 3 2008- so yea i'm busy! i love to make plush toys- but my kids aren't interested in them Happy they both like music and dancing so most days you can find me singing nusery rhymes into my son's play microphone and wiggling my butt around the house

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Awesome to see crafting mommies!

I am a Stay at Home Mommy of two little girls.

Lillian(Lil'Lil) She is Six years old and a first grader, She is very imaginative and vibrant. She is my blonde hair and blue eye girly. She loves drawing and stories. If I need a story for a craft item for something I go to her for a cute story to tag along with it. She is very loving and loves to pass out hugs and finds a loop hole with the whole talking to strangers at the grocery stores with me by asking the person their name and then telling them hers and saying "There we are not strangers anymore" lol. (Cute and a little scary at times) She also amazed her teachers in Pre-k 3 when her class would visit at the old folks home next to their school once month by talking to all the grannies and papas there. They thought she would be scared like the other kids but I told them that when she was little she would always help out with great grandma by pushing her wheelchair and helping her with "heavy" items. She is very social able and outgoing for her age.

Emma (Em, Emmers) She is my little two year old who will be three in November. She is outspoken for her age and independent. She loves to play with her sister especially when they play zombies they will make a fort out of pillows outside their room and Emma will be outside the fort keeping "watch" lol She isnt afraid of alot of things. She helps me with my crafting when her sister is in school. She is my dark hair and brown eye girly. She indeed keeps me on my toes. She is also my little escape artist. She knows how to bypass baby gates, locked doors and booster chairs. lol She is my tom boy and reminds me alot of myself when I was little.

I kinda want one more I would love another girl! I grew up with four younger brothers. But right now having another little one is on hold since my husband will be deployed in November and I would like him to be here for the pregnancy and the birth since both girls I went solo with the army having their daddies off overseas. It would be a great experience for him to see and be there for such a great event.

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im ashley, a 24 year old mommy/nursing assistant/craftaholic. i have been an at-home ma for a long time. now though, i will be working at heartland of perrysburg. (nursing home)
my kiddos are absolutely amazing!
charles is my oldest. he is going to be 6 on feb. 24th! he is a tee-ball star and video gaming genius: ) he is in kindergarten but doind first grade level work!
davie is 3. will be 4 on apr 4th! he loves to run around and show his Hulk muscles. He is a smart boy also. he just has trouble communicating. (still havent been able to figure out why) he is a very happy kid though: )
abbie nicole is 5 months old. will be six months march 1st. shes my little princess: ) she can sit up really good and is already tryin to crawl. shes very happy also. unless mommys trying to do her hair. she really dont like pony tails. but her hairs so long, i have to put it up or im wiping it away from her eyes a million times a day.

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im a stay at home mama i have a 4 yr old and an almost six month old my 4 yr old dylan loves 2 help watch his little brother zacharias it is so sweet he loves helping me with everything its just so cute when he plays with zach and zach the biddy baby likes 2 help me with my knitting or as he seems 2 think helping me lol hell pull on the needles cables work or yarn and try 2 eat it its kinda funny when he sees it across the room nd rather than playing with his toys right next 2 him hell scoot all the way across the floor just 2 get what i have on my needles

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Wow, ladies I feel really old now....I'm a 34 y/o single mom to a 12 y/o girl (Kaitlyn) I love her SO much but we fight like cats and dogs! She is a Tween now heading right for the teenage years... (lord help me) She like everything the opposite of me (she is very much the girly girl and I'm just plain old me) She doesn't like my crafts and sees no point in them!!! UGH so frustrating somedays!

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Hi Melissa
Just want to make you feel younger....I'm 44 years young. My 17yr old daughter is studying creative media and wants to be a pyrotechnician. There goes all my vinegar &'s a flour bomb thing that made my kitchen all the same shade of beige.

She occasionally gets me to 'help' (which means I make them) with her projects (little green men) and helps me spend my wages on stuff like chicken wire, plasticine and plaster.

There's never a dull moment. All you ladies with younger kids you've got this to come. Lol x

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I'm a 30 year old mom that decided to go back to school for graphics and now work at the school. I love my daughter very much. She is 9 years old, but often tries to act older. She enjoys doing crafts, and likes to craft with me, but often doesn't finish what she is making, because she tends to wonder off to read. She a bookaholic, which I think is a good thing, but lately has gotten into clothes and shopping, which I'm not too sure about, cause it's so not me.

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I'm not owning up to my age, but here's my two lovable rougues...
Jennifer, Graduating from Glasgow University, and Alistair learning to drive....
I think I'm past all the teenage angst stage with them both, and after all that theyv'e come through as as happy. loving young adults, an absolute pleasure to have around!
Having these two kids is definitely the proudest achievement of my life

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I'm Heather, a 25 year old divorced (and soon-to-be remarried) mom of 3 year old Sofi. She's a monkey. She's very artistic, like me, and has very little attention span, like me! But also like me, she can do her crafts/art for ages without getting up. She's unique, because her dad and I both have dark brown hair, mine is almost black, except in the sun, and he has blue eyes, I have brown. Her hair is light brown, with a reddish tint in the sun, and rich green eyes. She has all her own opinions, is obsessed with fairies, babies, monkeys, puppies, and Tiffany box blue. We call it raindrop blue, cuz that's the name of the Crayola Pipsqueak marker color that inspired her obsession with it. She loves costumes, especially hats(or anything that can become a hat), and now has 4 pairs of fairy wings I've made for her, as well as a fancy new tutu, I made for her birthday party this week. She is so into my crafting and creating that she begged me for a needle of her own. I showed her that my needles are poky and will hurt her, because she's not ready for them. Then I bought her a pair of those big plastic ones you use to finish your knitted work. I've been making her lacing cards with poster board and yarn, to use them with. My older sister has always been teasingly jealous that Sofi will eat tofu, sushi, almost any vegetable, etc., but her 6 year old daughter will only eat chicken nuggets, French fries, and pizza. In my personal opinion, that's a discipline issue, not the child's fault.
Sofi and I have lived separate from her dad since 2 days before her first birthday, and she doesn't remember us being together. She has weekend visitations with him, and loves him, has all the usual relationship traits with him. We've lived with my fiance, Daniel, for a little over a year now. She's best friends with him, and begs him not to leave for work.
She's very compassionate, even wanting to do sweet things and share with Daniel's older nephews, even though they are sometimes selfish and nasty acting. The oldest one is also an only child of divorce, and he's her partner in crime!

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