Things that ticked you off royally today

181 replies since 6th January 2009 • Last reply 6th January 2009

I'm am mad that the board is still f**** up on my computer. Is it my computer is it the site? IDK. But every-so-often throughout the day it says back in a tick. So maybe it isn't just me? I don't know but it is annoying. Well, enough bitching back to cleaning I go......

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No, it's when they are doing updates on the site Tara.

My neighbour(upstairs) has been pissing me off all the time, but today she is driving me mad. Jumping about like a big elephant and moving her furniture constantly.. I really hate her.

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Work want me to switch to working on Saturdays. It's annoying nothing ever happens on Sundays which is why I like working then, but stuff always happens on Saturdays!
Oh well, working on Saturdays means I work longer and get more money, so it's not too bad I guess.

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bookshops only stocking best selling books in store, anything not best selling you have to order it! And these shops are so bloody expensive!

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Thats annoying, I go to half-price books they have everything and theyre all like 3 dollars each.

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yeh we have two of those, but they don't have any books I want either!

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Aaww, poor Michelle. Make sure you eat lots of fruit and drink lots of fluids. Hope you feel well soon.

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I bought an ebooklet about training dogs using food rewards but I still dont get the theory behind it properly, are they listening to you or just waiting for a treat or both?

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I think waiting for that treat...

hmmm nothing really ticked me off, maybe my bf going to work...I miss him and right now I have no job.

Cut out and keep is keeping me sane

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So stupid. Boy friend and I fell asleep on the cough last night. We woke up in the middle of the night but couldn't go to bed because we had to put clean sheets on. And we were too lazy to do that so we stayes on the couhg which is really not big enough to sleep on. I woke up at 6.30, wide awake but still tiered.

Note to selves: put clean sheets on during the day.

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People who drive and talk on the phone piss me off so much! There is rarely a call you MUST take while driving.

I saw a woman reverse out of a blind spot whilst talking on the phone! She almost backed into an oncoming car, but just kept going. I hate drivers!

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I hate feeling so tired

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I'm tired all the time too. Maybe we need to get out and exercise! Too bad we live in different countries or we could be work out buddies.

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I'm in a generally crappy mood...this happens like every day after a certain time when I'm unemployed.

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I cannot find the battery charger for my camera.

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