Things that ticked you off royally today

181 replies since 6th January 2009 • Last reply 6th January 2009

yeah, I feel you. I feel like my boyfriend forgets me when his friends around

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Last week I stepped on something in Tim's hallway and cut my foot - today I went to the hospital to check everything was okay, and it turned out there was glass in my foot. A woman had to cut my foot open again and squeeze out a piece of sharp glass. It FUCKING hurt. I'm now at home with my foot up having a very sugary cup of tea =( apparently I have lots of bruising to expect.

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Ouch!! Could you not feel the piece of glass in your foot while it was still in there? :\

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Well when I first did it, I felt something kinda hard but I just thought it was a jagged cut. Then when it was healing I thought the little lump was just it healing up. I only went in because I saw something glinting and started getting really panicky about the glass getting into my blood stream and getting to my brain and killing me.

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ouch, I'm glad its out

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Mmm me too! I was crying and breaking my mother's hand when they took it out but I am glad it's gone =P

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Mmm me too!

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ooh, that reminds me of when I had an ingrown toenail, it hurt so much when they removed it

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get well soon KK!

Britain's (not) Got Talent.

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lol, watching those shows huh

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I'm an unemployed person, I'm allowed. There was this 'band' of 3 girls and two of them didnt really want to be there and one of them was like super bitch and super shit.

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lol, those people make the show interesting.

I am in so much pain, and I have to work tomorrow. Sigh.

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Siân Lloyd.

Also it was a bit warmer today so everyone was wearing shorts and sandals but when I left the house it was 8.30 am so it was chilly but I still didn't feel the need to take off my jacket. And I felt like everyone was laughing at me, not just cuz of wearing my jacket.

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Wow KKitten, so glad you are ok! I've had to remove lots of pieces of stuff that has lodged itself in my clumsy skin over the years, I can't imagine what it would be like with the skin growing over! ouch

As some of you know, I am a room cleaner in a hotel and this happens lots, but especially annoyed me today. Went to clean the room after the guest had checked out and they had left chewing gum stuck to the bedside table lamp.. it's just so gross. I mean that was in there bloody mouth!
Have a bit of respect like..

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Eurgh that's horrible. People are disgusting.

Tim doesn't like me new hair but boooo to him. And a creepy man hit on me at the pub last night

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