Selling your wares in a store

Has anyone ever sold the crafts that you have made in a store on consignment? There is a store near my house which sells handmade things on consignment and I am thinking of selling some jewelry that I have made and perhaps making some bags that I can sell as well. I was just wondering if anyone has done this and would be willing to share your experience. I am really just curious about the whole thing. Also, if anyone has participated in any sort of craft fairs or anything like that and would like to share how that went.

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14 replies since 9th July 2008 • Last reply 9th July 2008

A girl at my work made some bags and went straight into a shop and asked if they knew anyone that would be interested in buying one. They bought two straight away. I guess you just have to be direct

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that shop you mentioned Tammy sound like it's your best bet but local independant art/furniture shops will probably give you a chance as well

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I saw on TV recently (Mary Queen of Shops for any Brits who know what I'm on about) a small fashion boutique getting some young local designers to put their work in her shop and sell them. I actually reaaaaally want one of the pieces, but it's all the way in York and would cost me mega bucks.

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I went into the shop yesterday and looked around at what they had and it is a bunch of handmade stuff by local crafters and artists. They sell mostly plushies, jewelry, soaps, totes, and bags...basically all of the things that all of us make. I am going to buy some supplies this weekend and get working so that I can email the shop what I have created and hopefully they will accept my stuff to sell. I will be sure to post everything that I do.

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i think it would be better to go in with a sample of your items, good luck!

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Wishing you lots of luck with this tammy, as I'd really love to do this myself, it's just getting up the confidence to be direct and persistant enough to do it. If your making bags and jewellery you should try emailing shops like Quiggins in Liverpool, Aflex palace in Manchester and the Oasis market in Birmingham. Search Beadasarous(sp) as well, they have quite a few little pieces made by independent designers.

Let us know how it goes. Maybe you could produce a crafty CV almost of things you've made etc? Costs and that? I dunno I'm running away with it now.

Also theres a Mary queen of shops book out and about out there, it might be worth hunting it down (if your in the uk) or searching for Mary Portas in google and see if shes got any tips.

OH (sorry banging on now) theres a book called Craft Inc., that I got out of the local library the other day and I haven't picked up yet, if this has any tips I'll let you know.

I'll shut up now before I drive everyone mad! Happy

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there's this site called where u can sell handmade goods.

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Thanks for the list of shops Taz, but I live in Chicago in the states. I actually found two shops in my neighborhood that sell goods made my local craftsters, so I am planning on getting a bunch of stuff made this weekend to show them. One of the shops is an indoor, all-year version of this bigger craft fair that happens once a year here in Chicago. I have been thinking about doing Etsy, maybe I will try that if the stores don't want my stuff. Thanks for all of the advice everyone. I'll keep you all posted on how it goes.

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good luck I hope it all goes well for you. Sorry for my dense moment thinking everyone lived in the UK. silly me! Let us know how it goes. Happy

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I used to make necklaces and sell them in consignment, it was great, but I have a tendancy to underprice my work so I didnt make as much as I should. And my mom used to craft sales all the time with her paintings and whatnot, those are always fun, but can get really really expensive for tables and whatnot. I find that if you know of street arts festivals (saskatoon fringe festival is the one I know of - look it up) often all you need is a busking license then you can set up and sell your wares, so its decently priced and you can sell a lot. I hope this helps!

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also check out farmers markets, I"m not sure about the cost but I think they are pretty decently priced

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also check out flea markets, i think they charge you 10 dollars to rent a booth for a day. Happy I was thinking of doing the same once I get enough stuff made Happy

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Cool. I have kind of given up on the store idea because the store that is near me takes half of the money earned, so I would make too little in return, because much like you Jessica, I also tend to underprice my work. Unfortunately there are not many flea markets in Chicago, but there are a ton of farmer's markets, so perhaps that is worth looking into. Thanks for the suggestions.

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near us they have these kind of hippie music festivals and they have lots of stores where people sell handmade stuff and if you go on the website and register you can set up a little tent selling your wares so maybe look into that.

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