bedazzle me baby "no seriously"

this might seem corny idk anyways i just bought one of those bedazzle machines
and im ready to get to work on some really neat projects i was just wondering if anyone had some ideas to share

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6 replies since 18th July 2008 • Last reply 18th July 2008

I had one of those things in the 80's/early 90's! You can use it to make some cool felt creations, like a bracelet, a cozy of some type, or something decorative (sorry, I'm not too imaginitive today). You can embellish a tote bag. I remember when No Doubt became popular back in the mid-90's my friend and I dug out the old Bedazzler and bedazzled our bra straps like Gwen Stefani did. You could always bring that trend is tank top weather.

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that bra idea is great the bedazzler i bought is the newer one and it has cute star shapes and all kinds of neat stuff with it i cant wait to try some of your ideas and post some on the site i cant beleave bedazzlers have been around since the 80s thats kinda neat

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my friend bought one and spent $10 on a pair of older jeans at the chairty store and than a week with her machine and put locous designs all over the legs, and drew koi fish in between (Japaness fan!) . Seriously cool, and than she sold them to her sister (who was clueless about what they were) for $100Happy

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Those jeans sound awesome though! I wanna do that!

I wanted a shirt with bedazzled rhinestones that said "Ghetto Fabulous" but my boyfriend dragged me bodily from the store so I wouldn't buy it ^_^. It was so over the top and awesome. But the again, I kinda have a thing for certain pieces that are over the top and ironic.

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oh i like the fish idea thats really cute

hey Violinagin i have a really cute ecko red shirt its yellow and has purple pink and gold rhinstones on it thats my over the top shirt lol
but i was thinking about makeing something with a cat like the baby phat logo

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*looks up cat* Ooh, that cat and a koi would be fun together.

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