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Craft Finds

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Here's a great way to organize your bills and files so that they're easy to find at a glance. Cut off company logos and icons from envelopes or spare letters and stick them to your filing system tabs. Next time you're looking for a specific bill, your eye will jump straight to the companies icon. Check it out at Aaron's blog.

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Jenna Hurry has posted a great pattern for making a Lása Shawl Headband on MagKnits.

It's very pretty, but you better be quick with your knitting or you'll miss out on the last of this year's sun.

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I'm not sure how comfy it would be to have a real saw wrapped around your neck, but this awesome crocheted Bloody Saw Scarf from Monster Crochet looks pretty cosy.

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If you think that your socks sometimes smells worse than the undead, then why not make them into the undead with this awesome Sock Skeleton tutorial.

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Today has been full of pumpkins and the free pattern of the day from Annie's Attic just happens to be for Pumpkin Coasters. How cute!

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How cute is this Pumpkin Hat? Keep yourself warm on Halloween and knit one for yourself, from the pattern on Crafty Crafty.

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Ever wondered how waiters do fancy napkin origami?

Bright Settings have posted a set of easy to follow photo tutorials for folding your napkins in to a variety of shapes. Now you can feel like the hostess queen at your next dinner party.

Heidi of My Paper Crane has posted Halloween Lollipop Covers to download from her blog.

What an excellent way to add a bit of spook to your trick-or-treat lollipops.

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It's creeping nearer and nearer to Halloween, the best time of the year.

If you're looking for some pumpkin inspiration, check out the Pumpkin Group on Flickr, where members have posted photos of their pumpkin carvings, pumpkin creations and all things pumpkin.

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I don't know about you, but I think bacteria looks awfully cute in knitted form.

So why not make your own with this great Bacteria Knitting Pattern from Loxosceles »

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