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cake topper with a working swing made of scraps and recycling materials
the idea became when i made the little sitting figure,
i love swings and thought why not a tiny one that can move too;-D
It's all made of scraps i had so it didn't cost me nothing, and i must clean my material because next year i will move to an other city.;-D
And the other reason is that i can't do so much more because i must still revovering from my third whiplash-S
And because i had promised you all the tute of the stand of the paste mache figures here it comes.LOL
hope you like it and understand the steps.
Just let me know when you don't;-D
Feel fry to ask and make your one changes, have fun with this craft;-D
It's all made of scraps so it cost me nothing and all and the time is without driying time;-D

use your creativity and have a lot of fun, with the making of, you can give it as a gift or a centerpiece or use it as a cake topper;-D

Posted by Jet H. from Haarlem, North Holland, The Netherlands • Published See Jet H.'s 107 projects »
  • How to make a cake topper. Swinging To The Top - Step 1
    Step 1

    search for a plastic bin with a lid, i had this one from the goat cheese.
    Wash clean with soap carefully and dried it.

  • How to make a cake topper. Swinging To The Top - Step 2
    Step 2

    make for the bamboosticks you use for food some holes in the lid like the pict shows you.
    you can make them with a thick embroidery needle or other tools you have.

  • How to make a cake topper. Swinging To The Top - Step 3
    Step 3

    be sure that the bamboosticks are fitting in the holes.
    glue on the bottem of the cup some stones because of the swing you will need some weigth

  • How to make a cake topper. Swinging To The Top - Step 4
    Step 4

    glue the bin with paper and let it dry and brushed it over with a thick layer of woodglue, let it dry.
    Do this twice.

  • Step 5

    make some paste mache.
    the paper mache paste recipe:
    Because you make tiny figyres , and because this isn't be dureable for a long time, make small part if this.
    whithout frigde you can use it 2 or 3 days.
    Using a frigde you can use it till a week. then its really spoiled.

    take 25ml flour
    take 20 ml water
    take 25 ml wood glue.

    put the flour in a bowl and stirr the water and glue trought each other till you wil become a smooth paste.
    let it stand for an hour.
    apply one or several layers on the bin and let it dry
    the surface must be feeling smooth.

  • How to make a cake topper. Swinging To The Top - Step 6
    Step 6

    Make the bamboo stick thicker and stronger by wrapping some thin flower iron wire on them ,
    cut of the wire but left a long piece on it , like the pict shows you.

  • How to make a cake topper. Swinging To The Top - Step 7
    Step 7

    with those long end you wrap them round each other to make the thick upside rope on which the swing would be hang on.

  • How to make a cake topper. Swinging To The Top - Step 8
    Step 8

    apply some of the paste mache on the sticks with the wire
    and let it dry
    then you can paint with acrylic paint the upsite of the lid of the bin, so that it will look like a meadow.I did it tooo early, don't it will cost you more time.

  • How to make a cake topper. Swinging To The Top - Step 9
    Step 9

    in the middle glue some green glitter,
    i had done this with clear glue and then i have spreading the glitters on it and let it dry.

  • How to make a cake topper. Swinging To The Top - Step 10
    Step 10

    paint undermeat the greenpaint an other colour.
    I have used old pink you make it with red, much white and a tiny drop black paint.
    Let it dry.

  • How to make a cake topper. Swinging To The Top - Step 11
    Step 11

    i had some fake plastic meadows,
    pull of several from the plasic several clumps fake grass
    trimm the clumps with a pair of siccors and then cut them in the middle.

  • How to make a cake topper. Swinging To The Top - Step 12
    Step 12

    glue them with an preheated hot gun on the edge of the meadow like the pict shows you.

  • How to make a cake topper. Swinging To The Top - Step 13
    Step 13

    glue with white glue the ribbon with the flowers next to the fake grass

  • How to make a cake topper. Swinging To The Top - Step 14
    Step 14

    I've you like you can add some beads next to the ribbon.

  • How to make a cake topper. Swinging To The Top - Step 15
    Step 15

    cut a stroke of fabric and glued at first on the upside of the bin

  • How to make a cake topper. Swinging To The Top - Step 16
    Step 16

    because the bin was tapering you m ust do something with the extra space of the fabric,
    You can make pleads in the fabric and glue them to the bin at the downside. and let it dry.

  • How to make a cake topper. Swinging To The Top - Step 17
    Step 17

    making the sitting of the swing:
    set your figure on a piece of paper and trace the space it neat to sit tide on the swing. cut it out.

  • How to make a cake topper. Swinging To The Top - Step 18
    Step 18

    lay the pattern on a piece of carton draw around it and cut it out .Do this twice.

  • How to make a cake topper. Swinging To The Top - Step 19
    Step 19

    glue the two pieces of carton on each other and wrap it in paper that you must give a layer of woodglue. let it dry and paint the the sitting . Let it dry and make holes in the edges.

  • How to make a cake topper. Swinging To The Top - Step 20
    Step 20

    cut of some long wire ends to string them to the holes of the swing seat.

  • How to make a cake topper. Swinging To The Top - Step 21
    Step 21

    wrap in the middle of the upside of the swing the lose end around ech other and bend the outside like a hook and paint the wire gold.

  • How to make a cake topper. Swinging To The Top - Step 22
    Step 22

    paint the stickts and the string on them together too with gold paint. Let it dry.

  • How to make a cake topper. Swinging To The Top - Step 23
    Step 23

    add on the stand some beads, roses and flowers and ribbon to make it more fun and kitschy;-D

  • How to make a cake topper. Swinging To The Top - Step 24
    Step 24

    Hang the swing on the upside string , when the hight is okay , so it don't touch anything when it's moving then you can wrap the hook end around the iron of the swing to make him closed.

  • How to make a cake topper. Swinging To The Top - Step 25
    Step 25

    lue the figure on the swing with glue. and with the hot glue add some drops on the outside of the rope between the sticks so the swing can't move to t he sides-D

  • How to make a cake topper. Swinging To The Top - Step 26
    Step 26

    on the end of the sticks you can add some beads and some ribbon and add some other paint on it when you like that ;-D
    and now you're ready.
    i hope you like this project and make one your self ;-D
    i've you don't understand something , feel fry to ask me your questions;-D
    the most importend thing of this craft is having fun;-D

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neondoll>_< · La Cañada Flintridge, California, US · 8 projects
this is so cute! at first i thought it was a cupcake, come to think of it it would make a cool cupcake!!!
PJ · Avondale, Arizona, US · 96 projects
This is so cute, i love it..smile
Roos · Nijmegen, Gelderland, NL · 7 projects
this one is só nice! Really cute for my bedroom I think.
Heather C.
Heather C. · Mt Holly, North Carolina, US · 56 projects
awesome tute- thanks for sharing Happy
Sheila Squirrel
Sheila Squirrel
I love your projects. They are so colourful and make me smile Happy

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