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30 mins

collection of rings I made for presents and myself.
Ring 1 - Mushrooms and butterflies
Ring 2 - Raven & "nevermore"
Ring 3 - Celtic knot work, runs around the entire ring, for my ginger friend
Ring 4 - Raven Skull, stars, and swirlies, I'm wearing this one right now.
Ring 5 - Narwahl (this one is probably my favourite go look up the narwhal song on youtube.com and you'll understand. It gets all stuck in my head.)

I. Love. Shrinky dinks.

It only takes so long because of the tracing and the coloring and the outlining...the baking and the shaping that's the fast part.

All the designs except the butterfly are from


I made another one with gears on it with holes in it, it turned out really nice but off course when I go to take pictures I can't find it.

Posted by aranumenwen from Aurora, Illinois, United States • Published See aranumenwen's 112 projects »


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The Mad Hattress
The Mad Hattress · 5 projects
I would love to see the gear one if you could find it and post a pic.
The narwahl song. My friend's little sister loves that video. >-<
aranumenwen · Aurora, Illinois, US · 117 projects
I only picked the marker cause it was metal, I rifled through my boyfriends circular stuff drawer...its really a drawing utensil drawer I think. But that was the best thing I could find, I'd feel bad if I melted something that was for arting.
April · Las Vegas, Nevada, US · 10 projects
Hmm.. Never thought about using a clear coat afterwards. I'll have to try that, thanks. I think I used a glue stick to make my rings. It's hard to roll them because they are hot but it can be done.
aranumenwen · Aurora, Illinois, US · 117 projects
@ Gilly, I got the ring shape by wrapping it around a permanent marker, the big metal kind that smell really bad and squeak when you write with them. After its melted you have about 10 seconds or so, I took the marker and rolled it along, kinda like a rolling pin.

@April- I kinda overlapped mine and they seem to be holding up really well. They're only overlapped them a tiny bit, they still give a little bit but I think it works out better that way. Mine are a little too big for me....I have these tiny hands...Also I'm not sure, and I doubt it, but maybe the clear coat is helping. My first ring I didn't coat and the ink started too smear onto my finger.
April · Las Vegas, Nevada, US · 10 projects
I made a bunch of these awhile ago but they always broke. How do you keep them from breaking?
Gilly S.
Gilly S. · 3 projects
how did you get the ring shape?
Hdoddles · 46 projects
awwww that narwall is adorable Happy

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