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We All Hate Acne
No one likes acne. It ruins everything. You no longer feel beautiful. Well you can change that! Just follow these step for a few days and you will see major results!

Posted by xOxKeNzIeXoX Published
  • Missing file
  • Step 1

    First, wash your face with baby shampoo. I know it sounds weird but it works wonders! I used Johnson & Johnson. It is not very expensive at all. If your not sure about buying a whole bottle just buy a travel size one. Their only $0.97 at Walmart!

  • Step 2

    Then, dry your face and start making your salt paste. You will need a table spoon of sea salt (if you don't have sea salt do not use table salt use some other natural salt) and a few drops of water. Stir until it makes a paste. (The salt should not dissolve immediately because you shouldn't have used very much water.)

  • Step 3

    Apply to your face and let the salt dry, which take about 2 hours or so you (may want to leave it on over night its up to you).

  • Step 4

    Once the salt is dry gently brush it off your face, and rinse your face with water. Then your done! Keep doing this daily for about a week and you should notice a major change.

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xOxKeNzIeXoX · 2 projects
any questions? just ask me ;)
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