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Scarf with a hood or hat with overgrown earflaps?
While brain-storming ways to add a hood to a scarf, I had an epiphany. Why not use short-rows to make the scarf flare out for the hood and then narrow again afterward? Like the heel of a sock, but for your head.

Scarf Length = 45in/114cm
Scarf Width = 4in/10cm
Hood Width = 13in/33cm at widest point, 6in/15cm at top

17 sts/24 rows = 4in/10cm in stockinette stitch

am = adjust mount = slip 1 as if to purl, slip back to left-hand needle knitwise am2 = adjust mount of two stitches = slip 2 as if to purl, slip back to left-hand needle knitwise individually
BC4 = slip next 2 sts onto cable needle, hold in back, knit next 2 sts, knit 2 sts from cable needle
FC4 = slip next 2 sts onto cable needle, hold in front, knit next 2 sts, knit 2 sts from cable needle
m1L = make 1 left-leaning = insert left needle from front to back under bar between next two stitches and knit it through back loop
m1R = make 1 right-leaning = insert left needle from back to front under bar between next two stitches and knit it
m1Lp = make 1 left-leaning = insert left needle from front to back under bar between next two stitches and purl it through back loop
m1Rp = make 1 right-leaning = insert left needle from back to front under bar between next two stitches and purl it
s2sk = sl2 tog as if to k2tog, sl1 as if to knit, k3tog
ssk = slip, slip, knit = slip 1 knitwise twice, knit these 2 together through back loop
ssp = slip, slip, purl = slip 1 knitwise twice, purl these 2 together through back loop
sssp = slip, slip, slip, purl = slip 1 knitwise three times, purl these 3 together through back loop
yo-b = yarn over backward = if knitting, bring yarn up and over right needle, then between needles to back of work; if purling, bring yarn to back between needles, then up and over right needle to front of work

Posted by Carissa B. from Dallas, Texas, United States • Published See Carissa B.'s 15 projects »
  • Step 1

    CO 23 sts.
    Rows 1-5, 7, 9: sl1, p21, k1.
    Rows 6, 8: sl1, p4, k4, p5, k4, p4, k1.
    Row 10: sl1, p4, FC4, p5, BC4, p4, k1.
    Repeat Rows 5-10 49 more times, or until scarf reaches from shoulder to desired length.
    Repeat Rows 5-7 once more.

  • Step 2

    Row 1: sl1, p4, k4, m1Lp, p5, m1Rp, k4, p4, k1 - 25 sts.
    Rows 2-12, even: sl1, p to last st, k1.
    Row 3: sl1, p4, FC4, m1Lp, p7, m1Rp, BC4, p4, k1 - 27 sts.
    Row 5: sl1, p4, k4, m1Lp, p4, pm, k1, pm, p4, m1Rp, k4, p4, k1 - 29 sts.
    Rows 7, 11: sl1, p4, k4, p5, sm, m1L, k to next marker, m1R, sm, p5, k4, p4, k1 - 2 sts increased each time.
    Row 9: sl1, p4, FC4, p5, sm, m1L, k to next marker, m1R, sm, p5, BC4, p4, k1 - 2 sts increased each time.
    Repeat Rows 7-12 until there are 75 sts total, ending after Row 10.

  • Step 3

    Row 1: sl1, p4, k4, p5, sm, k46, turn.
    Row 2: yo-b, p45, turn.
    Row 3: yo, k44, turn.
    Row 4: yo-b, p43, turn.
    Row 5: yo, k42, turn.
    Row 6: yo-b, p41, turn.
    Row 7: yo, k40, turn.
    Row 8: yo-b, p39, turn.
    Continue in this manner, working one fewer st each row, until...
    Row 21: yo, k26, turn.
    Row 22: yo-b, p25, turn.

  • Step 4

    Row 1: yo, k25, am, k2tog, turn.
    Row 2: yo-b, p26, ssp, turn.
    Row 3: yo, k27, am2, k3tog, turn.
    Row 4: yo-b, p28, sssp, turn.
    Row 5: yo, k29, am2, k3tog, turn.
    Row 6: yo-b, p30, sssp, turn.
    Row 7: yo, k31, am2, k3tog, turn.
    Row 8: yo-b, p32, sssp, turn.
    Continue in this manner, working one more st each row, until...
    Row 21: yo, k45, am2, k3tog, turn.
    Row 22: yo-b, p46, sssp, turn.
    Row 23: yo, k47, am, p2tog, (remove marker & replace before p2tog), p4, k4, p4. k1.
    Row 24: sl1, p to 1 st before second marker, ssp (remove marker & replace before ssp), p to last st, k1.
    You should now have only 75 sts again.

  • Step 5

    Row 1, 5: sl1, p4, k4, p5, sm, k2tog, k to 2 sts before next marker, ssk, sm, p5, k4, p4, k1 - 2 sts decreased each time.
    Rows 2-52,even: sl1, p to last st, k1.
    Row 3: sl1, p4, FC4, p5, sm, k2tog, k to 2 sts before next marker, ssk, sm, p5, BC4, p4, k1 - 2 sts decreased each time.
    Repeat Rows 1-6 until there are 31 sts remaining, ending after Row 2.
    Row 45: sl1, p4, FC4, p5, remove marker, s2sk, p5, BC4, p4, k1 - 29 sts.
    Row 47: sl1, p4, k4, p2tog, p7, ssp, k4, p4, k1 - 27 sts.
    Row 49: sl1, p4, k4, p2tog, p5, ssp, k4, p4, k1 - 25 sts.
    Row 51: sl1, p4, FC4, p2tog, p3, ssp, BC4, p4, k1 - 23 sts.

  • Step 6

    Rows 1, 3: sl1, p4, k4, p5, k4, p4, k1.
    Rows 2, 4, 6: sl1, p to last st, k1.
    Row 5: sl1, p4, FC4, p5, BC4, p4, k1.
    Repeat Rows 1-6 49 more times, or until scarf reaches same length as first tail.
    Repeat Rows 1-2 once more. Repeat Row 2 three more times.
    BO all sts and cut yarn.

  • Step 7

    Weave in ends. Block if desired.

  • Step 8

    · Add fringe
    · Exchange the simple cable for a more intricate design
    · For a pointy-er hood, work more short-rows; for a less pointy hood, work fewer
    · Add a pom-pom on the top of the hood

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