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40 mins

Feminine colors meet bold, edgy designs!
I love pairing contrasting themes to create balanced, fresh designs. This one falls somewhere between princess and goth with its use of pale colors and black drawings.

Posted by Liquid Jelly from Chicago, Illinois, United States • Published See Liquid Jelly's 9 projects »

  • How to paint a nail painting. Edgy Feminine Nail Art (Fleur De Lis & Inked Rose) - Step 1
    Step 1

    First paint your nails with pale blue and pale pink nail polish. I painted my pointer and pinky blue, and my middle and ring pink.

    Top your blue nails with a fine glitter polish containing silver/white glitter. We want something that adds a touch of subtle sparkle.

  • How to paint a nail painting. Edgy Feminine Nail Art (Fleur De Lis & Inked Rose) - Step 2
    Step 2

    On one of the pink nails, we're going to draw the fleur-de-lis symbol. Using black nail polish and small detail brush, follow the pattern shown in the top row of the step-by-step image.

    If you need some practice, try drawing the fleur-de-lis symbol on a piece of paper first to familiarize yourself with the design. It's best if you practice with a brush and some nail polish.

    For the detail brush, look for one that has short bristles that taper into a very fine point. The smaller the better! Short bristles will also give you maximum control.

  • How to paint a nail painting. Edgy Feminine Nail Art (Fleur De Lis & Inked Rose) - Step 3
    Step 3

    The other pink nail is where we're going to draw the inked rose. First, paint an irregular splotch in the middle of the nail with coral/pink nail polish. Make it small enough that it will only color the center of your rose.

  • How to paint a nail painting. Edgy Feminine Nail Art (Fleur De Lis & Inked Rose) - Step 4
    Step 4

    To draw the rose...

    Start by drawing a small circle. Then draw several layers of pointed petals around the circle. Add dark shadows in the center of the rose and at the base of the petals. If you find this a bit tough, try looking up tattoo roses for reference.

    Draw leaves around the rose and shade them in a similar manner.

  • How to paint a nail painting. Edgy Feminine Nail Art (Fleur De Lis & Inked Rose) - Step 5
    Step 5

    Once you're done drawing the rose in black, pull out your pink sheer tint. If you don't own one, you can easily mix some up on a piece of paper with red and clear nail polish. Make sure the mixture is sheer so it doesn't cover your drawing.

    Use the pink tint to color in the rose. Go over the pink splotch we painted earlier as well. This will give your rose a natural gradient.

  • How to paint a nail painting. Edgy Feminine Nail Art (Fleur De Lis & Inked Rose) - Step 6
    Step 6

    Color in the leaves with a sheer green tint. I didn't own one, so I layered a coat of blue and yellow tint over each other to create the green tint. If you don't own any tints, you can mix your own by adding a tiny amount of green nail polish to some clear.

  • How to paint a nail painting. Edgy Feminine Nail Art (Fleur De Lis & Inked Rose) - Step 7
    Step 7

    Now that your drawings are done, finish off with top coat. White the top coat is wet, add pearls down your blue nails and around the rose.

    If needed, add another coat of top coat over the pearls to secure them in place. Now enjoy your mani! :)

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