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because no-one wants to be the same
I made two projects at the same time which is why I photoraphed them together.

My how to does not include pictures, but both projects are simple and easy to grasp.

I hope you enjoy! and sorry if it gets a bit confusing.

Posted by Chelpop from Nottingham, England, United Kingdom • Published See Chelpop's 9 projects »

  • Step 1

    -----FOR THE LETTERS!-----

    To make the letters, start with a piece of plain card.

  • Step 2

    Next, start making a pattern of your choice on the card, using felt tips. (You can skip this step by just using a pattern card you bought from the shop)

  • Step 3

    Once you have patterned the card, cut letters out of cereal boxes, making sure they're all the same size.

  • Step 4

    Once your letters are cut out, glue them to the back of the card and cut the shape out again. After this you can colour them using wax crayon to give them a nice background!

  • Step 5

    -----FOR THE NOTICE BOARD!-----

    Start with a plain notice board. (You could even do this with photo frames)

  • Step 6

    Prime the frame with an acrylic paint of your choice.

  • Step 7

    Pattern your notice board as you wish with acrylic paints. You can even glue stuff on!

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Chelpop · Nottingham, England, GB · 9 projects
Mine's been fine so far, but my sister had the noptice board before me and mixed paint with pva glue so I guess that was a good base (:
Linsey · Byrnes Mill, Missouri, US · 8 projects
you might want to sand the frame first before painting. Because of the finish that the companies put on the frame, not all paints with stay stuck to it. It will eventually scrape or peel off over a short amount of time.

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