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something a bit different
It you have small children and want to try something a bit different at you next outdoor outing to entertain them, try putting together a birdseed "sandbox".

Posted by KMOM14 from Fort Wayne, Indiana, United States • Published See KMOM14's 372 projects »

  • Step 1

    Pour the birdseed in the kiddie pool then put the toys on top. For a larger pool, you would need more birdseed.

  • Step 2

    When you are done you with it you can put the seeds in a large bag or tub and use it in a birdfeeder.

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Mel · Belgium, Wisconsin, US
I doubt that even in a metropolitan area the birds would really bother the kids much while they were actually being active in it. The only place I could see that happening is somewhere that feeding the pigeons is an actual event, like in Venice, where they will land on people and eat out of their hands. Otherwise, birds, even pigeons in cities, will fly away when you are actively moving around and such.

Anyway, this sounds like an interesting idea, as long as the birdseed isn't left in the sandbox and it's just a one-time per purchase thing. Otherwise, bugs will start getting at it and it'd turn rather unpleasant!

But for one afternoon it's a good idea, and then the kids can feed the birds, and depending on age, could even help make a suet feeder, or maybe use some mesh bags to make those little bag feeders... =)
KMOM14 · Fort Wayne, Indiana, US · 378 projects
Sorry to hear about your bad experience with the bugs - that might sour me on birdseed too - hope you got your money back.

Didn't have a problem with the birds trying to eat it when the kids were playing but birds around here are fairly skittish.

Maybe in larger cities like New York City where people feed birds all of the time and they have no fear or humans wouldn't be a good idea - wouldn't want to recreate a scene from Hitchcock's "The Birds".

My son still preferred the messy sandbox for his cars, but this wasn't as messy and it was fun because it was something different than what he was used to.
Kitty · Okotoks, Alberta, CA · 18 projects
Last time I bought a bag of bird seed, it was infested with these little bugs called wevils.. NEVER bring bird seed in the house..just incase Tongue cool idea, would have tried it if not for my bad experience with bugs.
CahrazzyMe · Willard, Ohio, US · 16 projects
Oh! This looks so neat! It seems a lot better than getting sand in your pants, but won't there be a lot of birds around?! It really is neat though! I love this! (=

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