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Come behind the scenes at Fancy Momma for a #CraftRoomTour and see Queti's craft room in Winnipeg.

I like that my craft room walls are white and that my work table is a long big one.

Tell us about your space

My craft room is in the basement which occupies half of the whole space. The other half of the basement is the laundry area and my hubby's guitar/ music area nook.

The basement has a very small window and not much natural light comes in so I normally do crafts and diys for the blog on my dining table because it is beside a very big glass window. Most of the natural light comes in through this area and it is best to take photos of my tutorials here. So the craft room in the basement serves as storage for craft and art supplies and my art studio as well. I do my artworks in the basement and I use a table lamp to give me better lighting when I work.

I have a worktable of my own and I provided another craft table for my other daughter who also likes doing crafts. We used to share the craft tables but I can't work with so much clutter on the table, like when she has unfinished crafts all over it so now we have separate tables.

Then you can find my office in one part of the bedroom. This is where I edit my photos for the tutorials and where I do blog posts, graphic design and every technical part of what I do.

What have you done to make your space cosy, beautiful or inspiring?

I live in a townhouse with an unfinished basement and because it's a rental, we didn't want to spend too much on any upgrade. The most economical way I found to make the dark basement look pleasant was to paint the walls white, so I did. That made the space look brighter and more spacious.

I also hung 3D paper lanterns made out of pretty printed scrapbook paper that I learned how to make from Pinterest. It added personality and color to the white space. I got some small white carton boxes and painted chalkboard paint on the front for the labels. I intentionally looked for white storage boxes since my shelves were white so I can have a clean and bright look to my then-dark-and-dull-basement. Any splash of color in the craft room then becomes more evident because of the white walls. I also painted one part of the wall with chalkboard paint from floor to ceiling so my daughters and I could have fun drawing or writing anything on it. On the other side of the wall, is another chalkboard wall where I placed an inspiring quote which I can change up any time.

How do you keep organized?

I make sure materials have their own place and storage. It helps to label the containers,too. I also have a wooden crate storage box where I keep recyclable materials that could be upcycled or repurposed. Having them all in one container helps big time in making the craft room look uncluttered.

Any tips & tricks for organising supplies?

I think the best trick to organizing is storage. Everything has to have its own place, if it cannot be in a container then place them in a spot where the materials of the same kind are in one particular area. Store materials of one category in one storage container. For example, don't mix fabric and paper, scissors and paint in one container. Place paint bottles and paintbrushes together, scissors and X-acto knife together and stuff that go together. Or have them all in separate storage.

Which are your favourite possessions and are there any of your own creations on display?

It's hard to pick a favorite possession but if I were to choose then my artworks with my favorite medium which is sawdust would be it. It is on display in my living room. I also have diys I have made all over the house.

How do you organise your inspiration and ideas?

Inspiration and ideas are all on paper. I use Google calendar and Evernote for organizing my schedule but most of my ideas are on paper. I have a box and a notebook with idea notes and a folder with sketches.

Where do you look for inspiration?

I enjoy thinking up of ways to upcycle and repurpose so I just sometimes stare at the material at hand and wait for what I can think up.

Pinterest and Instagram have great visuals that are inspiring in itself.

If you had three wishes, what would you do to make it the dream space?

Oh I still dream of my craft space. My dream craft room would be...

1. Art studio, craft space and office all in one big space or room of my own
2. Huge glass windows where natural light pours in
3. A coffee nook with a beautiful view in that dream room

Whose craft room would you love to explore? Send us a message!




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