Dotee Doll Beginner Swap

143 replies since 27th July 2011 • Last reply 27th July 2011

WOOOOOOW Right now we have 14 people signed up! Thats crazy Happy Sorry to hear that Elaine had to drop out, but I totally understand. Life gets very crazy sometimes.

We've got a very large even number right now- So I'm going to go ahead and post partners, because I know a bunch of you are just itching to get going Happy I will also post this on the front page!

Pammerz - BindiiBabe
Regina - Ariel B
Kimmi - Tracy L
Cassie B - Julie G
Sweet C - Sally M
Libby W - Corvus
NikkiHappy - Kiddo
Pammerz - Marta P.(We'll technically be doing the Newbie vs Vet swap,
but with a Dotee Doll swap so she can participate in this one)


(Its in all caps so you read it, not because I am yelling, lol)


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Woot! I got Pammerz as a swap-buddy! Cool - I had loads of ideas of what I could do for you. Actually, not cool - now I have to pick WHICH idea....

And I guess I'll need to put a Twilight card in the parcel?? ;D

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Hey, is the doll supposed to be a 'real' Dotee Doll shape (i.e. cylindrical) or can it have some curves??

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It can def have curves, mine usually do Happy

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yayyy Constanza! we're partners!! Happy :p

LOL... and I think Kimmi and Tracy have been partnered like 3 times in a row now.. :x haha

Bindiibabe, I'm pretty sure the doll can have curves.. it can be pretty much whatever shape you want as long as it is 4"-7" tall with a face, ribbon to hang it from, and a tail. Go by those 4 rules and let your imagination do the rest! :]

I got some really great fabrics today, I'm so ready for this! Happy

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Oh crap Happy I'm sorry if anyone has been paired up too many times! I didnt want to hurt my brain so I pulled named out of a bowl, except for the people who said no to international shippping.

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It's ok, Tracy and I enjoy swapping, we are becoming very good friends due to the amount of times we have been paired.

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I've got my all made already Happy and ready to ship! XD

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I really need to pull my finger out!

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yeiiii! I got paired up with my amiga sally!! Happy

can't wait to see what you all make Happy

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I Have my doll made and am looking for fabric and other goodies to put in my parcel. All I will need is an address to send it to!

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hehe Sweet C and I are including a matchbox in our swap Happy

Since this is the Beginner Dotee Doll swap.. I stumbled upon one thing I was unsure about. I haven't done any research about it, but does the doll HAVE to have a nose? I know it's probably a dumb question but for some reason I felt compelled to ask and get this clarified for everyone.

I honestly don't think it has to tho?

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I don't think so. That's kinda silly. But I have seen a ton without a nose.

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haha yeah, I knew it was a silly question. but hey! they don't call me Silly Sally fer nothin' ;]

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I was wondering if people were including stuffing in their dotee kits or just presuming their's partners will have it? Its quite bulky to post.

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