*~Happy Grams~* (Third Generation!)

328 replies since 10th February 2011 • Last reply 10th February 2011

I mailed another happygram today!

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My Happy Gram wll be sent out today.
The only thing I have to do is buy poststamps so I can send it.

My Happy Gram was sent this afternoon.
According to the site of the Dutch Postal service it should take a day or 3 at least to arrive at it's destination.

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Haha i know how you feel. The other day i bought a whole dozen stamps to use, set them down somewhere and lost them! I have no idea where they went. My house is very organizmed so i know they arent just sitting somewhere. I really think they fell behind the book case. And its way to big to even think about moving. Tomorrow i think i will have to break down and buy some more stamps! Lol

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oh pammz, I feel your pain. That happened to me too

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I need some help!

I am having problems with this site for three weeks now.
I can't add a new topic to the board so I need to look for help here... This is my problem:

For two or three weeks now I am not able to upload any pictures for my projects.
I have tried internet explorer and Firefox, I tried to upload my pictures to photobucket.com and upload the photo's from this site. Nothing worked.
I mailed Crafterella 5 days ago but no answer. My mailbox sais that the mail is still unread.
Am I the only one with these problems or do you girls have the same?
And does anyone got some advice?

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Sending out my Happy Gram today.

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Still working on my happygram.
Tessa hanging in there.I managed to post pic via photobucket yesterday .Your images need to be 5M or less so it could be a size issue.

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Sent mine out today. Keep the addresses coming! Happy

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Pammerz, can you send me another address for a Happygram? Happy

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I received a happygram from tessa!!!

And I so loved it. tessa and I are best friends so I found it realy special to receive from her.

thanks XXXX

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Sure Tessa and Mary, I'll PM you another address!

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I have two away but think I need to concentrate on a few other swaps ;0)
I'll let you know when I'm ready for the next one :0)

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So glad my happygram was appriciated. i just have an essay to get out of the way then i will send another

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Thanks Ladies <3
Come back any time!

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Have my Happygram ready to send, unfortunately, I haven't left the house in a week cos I've got tonsilitis and flu *sigh*

I'm hoping to get out in the next couple of days, so hopefully I will be able to send it out.


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