Hi all, I stumbled upon the Toy Society blog today, the Idea is that you make a Soft toy (or similar) and when done you place it in a bag and leave it somewhere public for a stranger. I thought this was a beautiful Idea and have already signed up. Would anyone else be interested in doing this aswell and we could perhaps post our pictures here aswell??

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22 replies since 3rd January 2010 • Last reply 3rd January 2010

I wish I could make a toy! Sounds fun.

Everytime I try to make one it comes out terribly wrong. )=

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Im having a bit of trouble on the toy making front aswell I need to find a better way to make faces I have no embroidery stuff at hand - any ideas??

also Tara it says on the site that if you cant make toys, any little gift is acceptable - so I guess what ever you are capable of would be perfectly fine! Imagine getting a nice bracelet or a t-shirt even a hand made book... or even just a nice little note? it really is the small things that can turn your day around!
I hope you do join in Tara, its a lovely idea!

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I've been interested in doing a drop for the Toy Society for ages, just never got around to it. Once I have some spare time I will definately give this a go.

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That's really cool. I'd never heard of that, but I may do it, some time. I kind of live out in the middle of nowhere, right now, but I will plan do make something in time for my next visit to civilization.
Tikki~You could always use Tacky glue, or buttons! I would either knit something, or make something with felt, since that's what I have...Is it ok to use an existing toy, like a barely played with baby doll, and make clothes and accessories for it, and do that?
LOL listen to me, I'm afraid the Toy Society police are gonna come get me...Haha!

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Oh that's an adorable ideaHappy

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I have never heard of this till now. This is such an awesome idea. I think I will have to try it out. Thanks for posting

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Tiger ~ Haha watch out for the Toy society police... Im sure you could use anything as it really is the thought that counts, perhaps not a highly used toy but I think thats obvious.. and you say you live out in the middle of no where but is there any bus stops around? you could always leave one there or at the closest post box etc? anywhere that is going to see some people is fine!

Im glad people like this, I hope if you do it youll post pics here too.

*runs off to get crafty*

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this is great! i have never heard of it but I have tons of plush toys that didn't sell well at my craft fairs this year so i was going to donate them to a thrift shop but i like this idea better!!!!! what fun!

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Thanks for posting, I am so going to do this. I'm excited and curious. I may sit in a car and act like a secret agent and see who snatches it up. TOo creepy???

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I've signed up for this and will be making my first drop today in downtown Seattle with one of my scrap bears.I love this idea ! Bring a smile on a cold winter's day.

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ooh im in this sounds like so much fun! I live in the burbs so People abound!! MWHAHAHAHAHAH!!!

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yay i did my first two drops today! hope they find new homes soon!

the first one was two small felt bunnies i stuck into the corner of the drop off box at a library

the second one was a doll i hung at a playground!

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Hmmm. After I finish up some other things I think I will have to do this. You have inspired me Heather. (=

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Wonderful Heather! And such a lovely project generally! A perfect thing I can do in Spring when there's less chance the rain transforms a bag filled with cuteness to wet, unattractive junk.

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