Plush challenge

So I want to put a challenge out there, I'm learning to make plush toys and want to do something different, if we get enough interest this will work.

The thought is that every second poster will come up with a new plush toy to make for the first poster and then we're inspired to make that if we can.

Things to remember
Must be able to use general items because we all don't have fancy stuff

Can be hand sewn or machine sewn

Must be able to complete within a day

Photos are a must! I want to see what you've done

Post how you've made them if you can (I'm still learning lol)

open any questions just ask ^_^

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12 replies since 17th November 2009 • Last reply 17th November 2009

Ok, let me see if I got this right? Since I'm the second to post, I make up a plush toy for you to make. Then the next post after me comes up with a plush for me to make and so on. So if I got that right, I'm gonna think of something simple, about a happy star plushie?

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Neatooo. How about a little Owl plushie??

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Creativemind yup that's it ^_^ so Creativemind has been set an Owl plushie if she so chooses to go ahead with the mission ^^

and I'll try a happy star plushie ^^ I'll get onto that tonight and my idea for Kira can be... hmm

how about a heart shaped plushie? or is that too hard lol

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A hearts fine...I've made a few plushies before so you could give me whatever. I like a good challenge. Happy

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Here's mine!! I think I may add some ribbon and turn it into an ornament.. or maybe hang it on my rearview mirror..

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

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oh wow that's adorable ^_^ I made my star last night but the sewing is a bit rough I have to admit
I'll sort out photos tonight

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I will get my owl posted soon, not quite finished yet.

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no probs yeah I'll have to post my star sometime tomorrow was too hot to do much today and wasn't
able to finish the decoration how I wanted

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I just noticed this board....I guess I'm the only one that did the challenge? Happy

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that's too bad kira, sounded like fun challenge, i can't participate right now but maybe in a few weeks we can get some more folks interested

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That is too bad, it most def sounded like a fun challenge!
If this comes up again I would love to be a part of it c:

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Sorry, I got mine done, just haven't posted it yet, besides my internet has been acting stupid. Hope to get a pix of my owl up soon.

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