GASP! I dont love Twilight

60 replies since 21st February 2009 • Last reply 21st February 2009

Personally i like the book but i'm not like crazy tell everyone i found the movie very disappointing. I don't like those crazy kids with team edward stuff uts a book those characters are played by actors, many need to grow up. I love vampires there is a facsination with biting queenfairypants i think it might be common accourence these days but

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the movie was underwheming.

I enjoyed the books, I own all four. It was good pop fiction

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yeah i own them all i'll probably end up with all the movies too i even have a watch hahaha i got it when i bought the movie it was a free gift

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I bought a key ring when I bought the dvd, its so pretty! I think having a tshirt or whatever is cool, bands have tshirts and bags and alsorts now too. These girls obsessed with robert pattinson is scary though, he is hot and seems cool, but he is not Edward! I've seen videos on youtube where they're acting like erm...vampires around him! And on videos they're like 'OMGZ he SMOKES AND drinks!' well he is a grown man! I feel like saying to them 'when you are a little older than 12, it won't seem like a big deal'.

Does pop in pop fiction just mean popular? or kind of mainstream? like safe. Cuz the way Bella is and the fact that it's a book, it seems more of a cult fan base type thing. I know there a lot of fans, but it was the girls like Bella who got into it first.

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Yeah exactly the book is more cult i feel the movie is like pop as in mainstream

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pop means popular, mainstream, safe...

kinda fluff read, I don't think its a cult following anymore since the movie

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yeah sad day

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meh doesn't matter, I like it

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I hate having to here girls discuss it endlessly when it was more cult i didn't have to so know just kinda annoying

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I agree with interstellar it is all the girls in my tuter group talk about.. Grrrr! Tongue

and now they have found another vampire book series to talk about endlesslly....

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These books were ok. I read the first thinking it would have more vampire fights though!

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To make a very long explanation short...

I hate Twilight.

Read it the first time, stopped at the sparkly meadow bit. Didn't pick it up again for nearly three years.

Finished reading the first book, skimmed through the other books. Hated it.

Tried to like it as a "bad but fun read." Couldn't.

Tried to convince myself, "maybe I hate Twilight so much because I actually like it or am jealous of it." Nope.

Of course, I don't solely hate Twilight. I find that I really only like reading about a certain type of vampire: the killer kind. Which is why there aren't many vampire books in my library (especially if they came from the teen section). I just think the whole concept of vampirism is truly dead, because vampires aren't the beings that mankind has feared the dark for anymore, rather our next dating simulation, which is why I hate Twilight (aside from the fact that I don't view the Twilight vampires as being "vampires"), and why I probably won't ever read The Vampire Diaries, the rest of Vampire Kisses, the rest of the Vampire Chronicles, Southern Vampire Mysteries, Anita Blake, House of Night, etc.

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I'm glad I found this thread, I was considering reading some to see what all the fuss is about. I won't bother now, you've saved me a few quidHappy
I can't watch the film cos every time I see Robert Pattinson's face I wanna slap him lol

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haha laurel you're funny- i always think he needs a shower- yuck- just not my type haha- anyway i refuse to read the books. i'm not a fang-er bang-er

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I am not a Twilight fan either and will refrain listing all the reasons. I picked up the book one day at a friends house and could not get past the first page. I will admit I am a picky reader. Although, I do love vampires and was addicted to Buffy the Vampire Slayer in high school.

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