Boo Hoo Hoo!!!!!!!!!!

So that apprenticeship at the dog groomers fell through and I have find somewhere else now! I've been messed about from the start! and I think I'm depressed thanks for all your kind words and support now make me feel better again!

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10 replies since 18th August 2008 • Last reply 18th August 2008

Oh I'm so sorry honey =( that's rubbish

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Thats so douchey! That sucks so bad! I'm sorry!

CLICHE LIFT YOU UP WORDS "Its THEIR loss! They don't know what their missing! etc" lol

But really, You'll find another place man! It'll work out Happy

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thanks that's made me feel a bit better Happy

Most groomers are reluctant to train people because it takes 12 - 18 months to train meaning you could go off and make your own business and steal the customers! But I don't want to work for myself I just want to traaain and go to work and then go home and craft! *sigh*

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god that really does suck! That would have been an awesome job but well as they say, when one door closes another door opens. Cheer up! Things WILL get better.

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Right you are shivi! (lol how English does that sound!)

I phoned a load of groomers today. At one of them this guy said that he wasn't part of the groomer side of the shop, it's a pet shop too, but he's gonna have a word with the person who deals with that side of it and he said it comes down to money (gah credit crunch!) but they could do with the help. I should get £80 a week and that's actually only 2 days wages so I'm a bargin! See what happens, I must calm down now!

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Well things may be looking up already for you Happy Thats good news. I suppose you just can't let it defeat you. Move on, you know you can do it Happy

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So that other groomers fell through as well, I was balling, like a 5 year old does when he/she doesn't get something. I phoned another and got my hopes up and within 5 mins it aaaall fell crashing down again because they couldn't afford it. But i phoned a college and may be able to train there and it will be free and only 2 days a week which is good because it will be a pain getting there everyday! so um yeh *sigh*

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oh noes! thats not good at all! I will just have to wheel myself to the nearest airport and get my bootie over there and let them have it! I do know how you feel when you come sooo close to achieving a goal and then get the door slammed in the face. All I must say is just dont get discourage-which I know its kinda hard to do at the moment with everything hitting you at once. The college sounds like thats the sure route to go through. This way it will look good on your resume that you got your training from a college. No worries you will get where you want to be I believe in you. Smile because Sug says so! lol later gater!

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lol in a while crocodile! hehe thanks

Yeh it means I'm not sat about thinking 'what if it never happens' and can get a job when I'm not at college but there won't be any trips to the pub since they'll most likely all be 16 on the course!!! On the site it says the course has an introduction to dog grooming!!! I want to get fully trained!!! oh well I'll ask when I go, I'm going on wednesday to be shown round and enroll if I want to, the thing is once i finish the course I'll still have to be trained more at a groomers i think...but anyway it's a start, I'll feel like I'm getting somewhere and hopefully my mood will improve.

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what is it with people and NOT DOING THEIR JOBS, so that course ISN'T free and it doesn't have much dog grooming in it!!! so now I have to wait to see if there's a place on a course I was on a waiting list for anyway and if I can't start next month I have to start in february and pay £1000. But if I can only start in Feb it means I can find a part time job and save the money for it, the course is one day a week too in the evenings! but actually it's not the end of the world Happy

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