Being sued by a couple of leeches...

I was in a wreck almost a year ago. It was determined to be my fault- the whole ordeal was hell. The actual damage on my car and the other person's car wasn't horrid...but I had to go to physical therapy for a good while afterwards because the wreck exacerbated a pre-existing issue with my spine. I was in a lot of pain and to top it off my car insurance went through the roof.

I was so happy when it was all insurance covered the damage on my car...and settled with the other people.

Fast forward to todays date...I get a letter in the mail letting me know that I am being SUED. For "loss of wages, disfigurement, medical bills, physical and mental anguish"...

I am 20 years old. And they are suing me.

Why in the name of Zeus are they suing me almost a whole YEAR after the accident and after they SETTLED with my insurance?!

I have a lot of issues with anxiety and so my stress levels are just SHOOTING through the roof right now. I don't know what to do and I am a wreck. *no pun intended*

My boyfriend and I had things all planned out for us to save up money and get married next year in March...but I guess things don't always go according to plan.

Anyhoo...needed to rant. I think I am going to go make a felt froggy...

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8 replies since 10th May 2011 • Last reply 10th May 2011

Thats horrible dear, Im sorry they are doing that to you. I agree they setteled which means they should just let it go. But money is the root of all evil and people are greedy.

Hopefully they dont get anythng bc your insurance all ready took care of it.

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That's horrible! I would probably contact a lawyer right away to see what your options are. Just remember, Senator Earnie Chambers sued God, just because people sue you doesn’t mean they have the right to.

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Oh yes contact a lawyer, looks like they couldnt do any thing after setting with your ins.
I pray for this to be worked out and no bother to you.
Live is stressful enough , we dont need the leaches around us also
Good luck .

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get a good lawyer, they are after money. Just show the lawyer all your medical bills, your bank statements

transfer any money you saved to your bf account, because if the car was in your name, and they are sueing you not your boyfriend, they can't take the money

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Wow Michelle, that's a good trick! Happy

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yea, my sister and her husband are having to transfer all of their money because my brother-in-law co-signed for my nephew's student loans and he defaulted on it so now the student loan company is after my brother-in-law. Really ticks me off because my nephew is a louse and should be in jail right now.

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Not sure which country you're in but in the UK this is caused by the millions of injury lawyer adverts on tv. I had a pretty serious crash 8 year ago and chose not to sue as it was an accident, one of the other cars involved in the crash did sue me for whiplash and some clothes in the back of her car got wet but as me crashing into her was another persons fault it just got passed on to her. However for the 3 years after the crash I was being harassed by personal injury lawyers claiming I could get 3000 pounds for whiplash!!! It only affected me for a few days and could still go about my daily life.
There used to be a funny advert on tv where this girl with a bad haircut sued her employer as she slipped on wet floor and there was no sign- and of course she got some ridiculous amount of money for it!

Anyway its a real shame that they decided to do that - does your car insurance not cover this?

Jut realised as I'm writing this there is an ad saying: Have you been injured? How much could you claim? take our 30 second test Happy

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Be sure to check with your insurance agency as well.

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