1712 replies since 9th December 2008 • Last reply 9th December 2008

La la la.... school is crap. Even when it's taken online..... Tongue

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w00t w00t snow day, even though the weather was deviod of ice OR snow
but yeah, I slept in

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creativemind - I knew my friends at school were no good for me but they were the only ones who would have me for aaages, they'll grow up, or she will first Happy

uurgh I'm having a stress about getting this grooming course paid for, I have the money but I won't have enough money for the next course. I may be able to get it paid for, I think they said they would when I asked, but I need to find out and get it sorted in at least 3 weeks time! I need my savings to live on and for grooming equipment! uurgh I need to buy a lottery ticket.

and what's the deal with places asking for ID if you look under 21...or 25!!! The legal age is 18, if I look under 18 ID me by all means but I'm 20 and I look 20! it's not the fucking law to ask me for ID if I look under 21! and it's always people who look my age too who ID me!

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I am still waiting on that job, but I am going to look again or try to get EI. Plus I am getting tested for all kinds of disorders

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my brother knows a kid who was in a mental hospital and he didnt introduce me!!! -_-""

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My fever is now over but I still have a terrible headache and I have to study for tomorrows test. I hate school. ._.

Cool, mental hospitals. XD

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guys mental hospitals are not cool. They are places where people get help. As a person with a mental illness, I don't like it when people think its cool some one is in there.

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I'm sorry : i didnt mean to offend anyone

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I'm so upset, the family of my brother's ex gf, Is driving us mad.
They are talking really bad about my family, that's in't fair, we never mess with that people...
and they are playing as victims.
I didn't know anything of that sh*t they are talking about. (sorry 4 using that word).

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Oh, I'm sorry. Didn't want to offend you.
I just find them interesting. I'm interested in the human brain and thoughts. I didn't want to hurt you in any way.

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I just find them interesting. I'm interested in the human brain and thoughts. I didn't want to hurt you in any way.: me too

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C'mon people, how is something like that place interesting. There are other things that can peek your interest of the human brain and how it works or whatever. And seriously not to offend anyone, I think it's sad that people even have those disorders and the suffering they go through. Sorry, but I'm about to tear now, I hate that I'm too sensitive to anything and everything.

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Yes, I feel bad for people who are like that [wow that sounded bad but you get my point], but I just think its interesting how the human mind works.

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well there are books on psy and sociology. If u are interested in helping people with metal illness there are volunteer programs

but its ok Court.

But remember in life you can't please everyone, just mind your P's and Q's. Be considerate, never mean. Sometimes things just come out the wrong way

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It wasnt meant mean from my side as well. My sincere apologies.

Rant: Test in two hours.. yikes.

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