1712 replies since 9th December 2008 • Last reply 9th December 2008

Coke Zero is disgusting.

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I'm slightly pissed off they've approved a thrid runway for Heathrow Airport (don't know how much anyone else cares about this haha). It's probably going to affect me because I live about 15 minutes away from the airport, so with the new runway there'll be a lot more air traffic and we'll probably be under a few new flight paths, so lots of aircraft noise to look forward to. And the council/BA want to build this "Airtrack" thing as a direct link from local rail services to the airport, and if it's built it's going to make all of the traffic in my local area come to almost a complete standstill (lots of level crossings which will almost constantly be down what with normal train services and then the Airtrack ones as well).

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actually I do care, because I don't think many people want to have airplanes flying overhead

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SO, it actually went through!? Our government is ACTUALLY going to DEMOLISH a whole village for 'more jobs'. Who the hell am I sposed to vote for next time round? I can't believe these people always choose money over peoples homes and the earth. What the fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes this hasn't been brought up but as you may be able to tell I have been worried/angry about it. It used to have 6 runways apparently.

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its crazy talk. crazy. I've never understood this crap.

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Oh yeah, I forgot to mention the fact that their just going to bulldoze a whole village either for this runway or for the new terminal they're almost definitely going to build to cope with the number of people from the increased number of flights from the third runway (I'm not sure whether they're demolishing the village when they build the runway or only if they decide to build a new terminal).

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why not build down, instead of flatting a entire village

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I'm pissed at the girl I carpool with. AGAIN. I swear, if she turns up dead people are gonna immediatly think "wow, I didn't think Courtney would do that"
you guys know about the concert im going to? I told her about it this morning and shes like "Yeah ill just tell Chase to get me tickets and he will." Ugh! She doesnt like any of the bands that are playing and I think I deserve this concert WAY MORE than she does. If she goes she better hide from me!!!!

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lol, she is now known as silly carpool girl

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silly carpool girl
i like it

i am an official overcast kid.

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I miss my bf, I really hate not having the job. Sigh, I have applied for many, I hope I get one soon

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Good luck!! I hope you get one soon! :]

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I has job now, its on the Far side of the city, but we are looking into moving

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haha silly carpool girl was sooo ironic this morning
you know how she 'stole' vampires from me?
this morning she was all "ugh, everyone is being annoying and liking this band but i liked it before! its soooo annoying!!!"

and im like "well, silly carpool girl, i know how you feel"

haha the irony

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im having a really harsh time right now. And i cant think straight.

I think i may be pregant :|

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