1712 replies since 9th December 2008 • Last reply 9th December 2008

AH! scary [to me, at least] Jasmin!

**in my earlier post, im using 'stole' for lack of a better word

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well the best thing to do is get a test. Just to make shure. And you really don't have to wait till you miss your period, a week before is ok

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will lack of money always be an issue!!!!?

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oh yeah. and I hate it

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well the preggers thing was a false larm, but my doctor cant figure out why i have sympton, so we're keeping an ye on it

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well that is one thing gone away with

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yeah. Im suck rght now, my boyfriend and his friend are playing Gears of War, and wont let me pass infront of the tvs. I need to pee :'(

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screw em, and just go

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hey there guys.. I love you all and miss you... I´m just really busy at the moment so sorry for the less conversation the last days and weeks :/ I´m right now ill too but have so much work to do.


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Miss u too!
I feel really needy sometimes and then I kind I back off for a while an not talk to anyone then I'm all needy again. Bleh. And I don't even know if I'm really that annoying

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I miss u too. But remember we will be here...


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hey guys, wanted to say that ranting to u all makes me feel better

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yeah it helps me 2. Happy yay for CO+K

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love CO+K

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ok my rant.

Im trying to make my cook book but i cant find the things from my digtail scrapbooking supplies i want to add to it Happy

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