Convention Cosplay
Is anyone planning on going to any conventions this summer? If so, are you going to dress up and what as?
Me and my family are planning to go to Megacon in Orlando and hopefully the Tampa Comic Con. I want to be Louise Belcher from Bob's Burger.
I am I am! My boyfriend, his twin and his girlfriend and I are planning to go to a few conventions in the Knoxville/WNC/Atlanta Areas! I am planning to dress is Poison Ivy for Knoxville, the girlfriend is going as Harley Quinn (Suicide Squad) idk about the twins if they will even dress up. My boyfriend has mentioned he has a dead pool costume he might put a spock shirt and ears on with it and be dead pool spock because William Shatner will be headlining there! As for WNC I think its only a days convention nothing major idk what i'll do yet. But for Anime Weekend Atalanta in September I am planning to dress as Vulpix day 1, Eevee day 2 and Flareon Day 3
This is such fun! I don't have any particular conventions picked out yet, but I'm hoping to be the Winter Soldier at my next one.
Never done cosplay, my sister goes to larp though
I'm off to Glasgow Comicon for the first time and super excited! Not sure what to dress up as though...
@catmorley Catwoman????
You can go as big or as little as you want. I was trying to be comfortable. We are supposed to be going to Miami for the next one in a couple of weeks. I'm going to put a little more effort out this time. I may have to pull out the sewing machine.
Salt Lake City ComicCon
I'm putting together an Amethyst cosplay from Steven Universe I havent ever done body paint before so that feels like the biggest challenge to me. I need to alter the leggings an top I bought to be perfect, and I still need to make her whip, but its coming together nicely. Oh and buy shoes, but I am scared ill get her white shoes dirty so I'm waiting until sooner to get those.

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