Anybody play WoW?

Or World of Warcraft for those of you who might not know what it is. I use to make fun of my boyfriend for playing but he got me into last week and I love it. What is your favorite class/race? And favorite places? Or anything else you want to talk about??

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12 replies since 28th February 2011 • Last reply 28th February 2011

I used to play but I quit because I never did anything else

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That's how my boyfriend use to be, but then he got a job. And I moved in with him.

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HAHAHA ohh man Rawr rawr! That made me laugh soo hard! I totally know what you mean. My husbands friends all had a group on WOW and tried to get him to play with them. We're really big into gamming as it is, but he didnt like it....I on the onther hand played it nonstop! After about two months I had to quit. Because I work from home, so I didnt have anything else to do. I really get into the games and I love doing every tiny possibe side quest you can and looking into every little spot and checking out every nook and cranny, so WOW is pretty addicting to me XD lol I love it... but have to stay away from it! I'm glad I'm not the only one who had to walk away Happy

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I know what you mean about the addicting-ness of it. I'm have to cut down on my time a lot because I just got a job. But I'm sure I'll still have a little time to play.

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Blood Elf Hunter, i go hard

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Sweet!! I have a troll hunter and I'm pretty in love with her. I got her a fox!! What pet do you have?

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wooo! wowness! i'm there! i played for a year or so and got sooo addicted, then i had a 6month break just after Cata was released, but now i'm back again! lol and once again...getting the hook back! i play a blood-elf mage, i'm all about standing back and releasing the power! lol..

what servers are you guys on? im on turalyon EU xx

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I'm playing right now! Happy I have to confess... I'm an altoholic... Happy although right now I play with my Undead hunter, Tauren priest, Troll druid and my Tauren druid the most...

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I've had to quit because my boyfriend got fired and his mom got us evicted so we are saving as much as we can. But I was on the Azshara server and I absolutely fell in love with my Paladin. And healing. She was a ret pally at first, but then I I switched her to holy and looooved it!

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I played WoW three years ago... quit because I was tired of doing the same thing every day just to make gold and get crafting mats.

I play RIFT now and it's way more fun. There's more stuff to do, and you don't have to do the same thing every day. Plus, you can queue up for random dungeons and you won't know which one you'll get until you have a full group ready to go in. It's entertaining.

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i want to play rift, but cant afford to play it and wow
i have about 20 wow chars, highest is 49, i get a bit bored of doing the same thing, and i get kicked out of guilds a lot for inactivity
i like being a belf and horde, most of my toons are horde, but i likes my worgen druids.
im on a few different servers. im not into wow seriously, just to have fun. ive played it for over a year and im still a n00b, i cant remember things that people tell me like if ur a pala u need to have armour which does this blah blah blah, i just want to play with my fiancé who i got into it and have fun. and not die. we both dislike dying. im usually a healer and he does damage, we party up and do it together.

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I know what you mean. I'm not really serious about it either, I just like it because it's fun. I hate when people get super serious about it, like their lives depend on it. It's annoying and I usually say stupid stuff just to make them mad.

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