where are you from whats in style

im from ohio we have many different fashion cultures here heres a list of some things in style

dark thick heavy ey liner

big sun glasses

big belt buckels

tight jeans for guys


pitt bulls

big earings

and rims

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91 replies since 14th July 2008 • Last reply 14th July 2008

im from north carolina. the guys are either black or rednecks (no, im not concerned with being politically correct haha) and the girls are preps... i kinda stick out!

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I'm from the Netherlands where you have allot of styles...From punk to preppy and from hiphop to metalhead...

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I live in England, and for once I'm fairly out-of-date where fashion is concerned! I normally read fashion magazines and indie magazines but I can't afford them at the moment. But there doesn't seem to be anything new going on - just the usual skinny jeans, big sunglasses, stupid hair, etc etc. Most girls I see look like an advert for Primark and most guys I see are fairly indistinguishable from anyone else

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Vintage is huge here in Reykjavík, Iceland. We have so many vintage stores. Some is over the top dresses, mostly they dress like 80's fashions, I suppose thats mostly the Indie/arty set.
I don't like how most people dress here as they all dress alike and that is soooo boring! skinny jeans and capes, leggings and flat shoes.

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Umm I'll have to think about this..umm girls pants on guys and guys shirt on girls (the flanelettes (sp)) are the most recent thing I've noticed, btw I'm from Perth, Western Australia.

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what are flanelettes

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Capes? I have the sudden urge to go to Iceland! If you wore a cape here people would most likely cross the street to avoid you.
I don't really notice what people wear where I live (except the lack of capes). I wear my own thing, and they are free to wear whatever they like. I have, however, noticed that those large sunglasses with the white rims seem to be popular.

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oo yeah i wanna go to iceland too then! or maybe i should just get one here. people from nc tend to avoid me anyways...

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I LOVE DRESSING 80'S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Not like batman capes though haha Like longer pochos with holes for your arms half way down and an opening in the front, I do like some of the capes I have seen, the big heavy kinda wool looking ones. Too many people wear them though.
This is a great example of the peoples of Reykjavik are dressing, again I presume these are all the Fashiony/indy people, alas no pics of capes!

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oh yeah i know what your talking about know alot of ppl were wearing those here not to long ago they are cute

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I really like 50s, 60s and 70s cuts. I saw a really cool pair of jeans today but they didn't have my size and they were similar to a pair on Gok's Fashion Fix (ace fashion programme in the UK) but only £12 cuz they were in primark, they were 70s all the way low rise, flared and even the colour was the same as you'd expect of a vintage pair of jeans. There's just a huge mish mash of everything now and it's great and I hope it never changes I mean you can wear what you want any time but it makes it easier when you can walk into a shop and buy something in your size rather then rooting through vintage shops or charity shops (but I do think ethically about these things too mind). I'm really into Japanese culture so keep an eye out for 'ethnic' looking things.

I've seen people on tv wearing thin head bands around their heads in a 'hippy style' and I got some today from H&M even though they're supposed to be like regular head bands, and I wore one around my head in the 'hippy style' but i took it off and when I tried it on again I think i look silly but on other people it looks great! Happy

I love these big chunky shoes at the moment sort of victorian and 50s all mixed up but I'd be about 6ft 1 and have sore feet (I'm almost 5ft 9) and feel uncomfortable. In Internationale they played this recording over about the style in the shop being rockibility or whatever it is 'think Amy Winehouse' it said etc and it kind of annoyed me it's the whole labels debate again. I don't care what it is as long as i feel comfortable and I like it but I want people to wear what they think is their thing not just because it's the in thing!

Gok Wan has really inspired me I used to do this anyway but like if I see something with a nice pattern or something that just appeals to me in some way but doesn't look so flattering on the hanger I'll try it on anyway and anything can be made better with accessories Happy

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yeah i love low cut falres too
i totally agree every one should feel comfortable with what their wearing and wear what they want not whats in style
but theirs alot of different ppl in here from different places and its kinda neat just to see how their styles differ from the styles here
and maybe i might get an idea or two that i like that ppl arent doing here or they might get ideas that ppl arent doing their etc

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I have a pair of jeans I bought in topshop 8 years ago! they are dark dark blue low cut but huge flares, I love them so much even though I have to squeeze into them a little more than I did 8 years ago! haha I have hips now you see ;)

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