I need your help!

Ok, so a while ago I got a full on 'French crop' basically as short as hair can go when just being cut with scissors, all over my hair. And it looked alright. I've got a kind of face where it didn't look too brutal on. Anyway, it's now growing out and I don't want it to return to that stage, I want it longer. Only, it's growing out in such a way that I can't deal with. I described myself earlier as looking like a 'bedraggled lesbian' (and I mean stereotypical lesbian, I know this sounds homophobic, but I'm not a homophobe and it's just the easiest thing I could come up with saying.)

I don't wear make-up because I'm a bit of a feminist so I need a nice haircut to make me look pretty again. The back can be short, but I need the sides and the top longish. It's not long enough for a bob yet, I've got very short layers on top. Anyone got any idea?

It's like this:

I've got a very very very small ponytail at the back though, because I hate the back of my hair being longer than the front.

And this is the (very greasy) back

I'm at Glastonbury by the way... hence the grease.

Plz help!

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7 replies since 6th July 2008 • Last reply 6th July 2008

How much time do you want to spend on it? Because here are some hairstyles that are about the same length:
http://www.wigsalon.com/img/full/jolie2.jpg (same cut as above but from a different view)
But I think they would require a bit of work with a straightening iron (I have curly hair though, so I might be overestimating).

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Oooh thankyou! I like the second.

I might just go into a hair dressers and say "Make it look like a haircut". I don't really care at the moment, so long as it looks better than the above.

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extensions rock ^^ you can do allot with those things

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Inverted bob! They look great on anyone and you always come across as someone who likes her retroness and you can make it very 60's easily with a hairband/ribbon/headscarf and a bit of back combing! I don't back comb my hair only when I'm messing around with it but I should do it more cuz I like having big hair, even though I'm not friends with my hair at the moment because I want it to be loooong!

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Oooh not 60s! 1920s all the way! I used to have an inverted bob and that's what I'm hoping for shortly but it's STILL not long enough (I'm taking folic acid and everything!) I'm trying the hairdressers again tomorrow (they were all closed today!)

I just bought a dress to keep me happy in the mean time. Only it won't because I have to wait for it to be shipped from America. Curse myself!

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Since the last time I measured my roots - yes I measure my roots - while on folic acid it's grown 4 mm! Which is fast cuz that's in like a week or maybe less. Speaking of 60's, the lead singer from the band Texas has long hair now and I've seen her on tv twice and she always has it in a pony tail with a little beehive bump thing going on and my mum asked if I'd have it like that once my hair is long and I said 'Yeh but it won't be in fashion by then' :o what was I saying, I don't care when it's in fashion it's an ace look! Same with 1920s but I dunno how they do that curly thing in the front so cant do it Happy

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Ok I got it cut and the only change is I don't have a little ponytail. It looks quite nice I guess. Better than before anyway!

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