Room of a Crafter....
I'd love to see pictures of your favorite room - there's so many of us with so many different styles, that i think it would be really interesting and fun to share! These are pictures of my bedroom - as you can see, i love faeries, unicorns and dragons - it's where i go to keep to myself - read, craft, listen to music. You name it! Sorry about all the pictures, it was hard to get it all in!
Now it's your turn!!
Wow, what a beautiful room! Here's mine. It's very messy haha
This is my bed and pretty 1930s wardrobe:
These are my windows:
These are my books, DVDs and CDs. I have more DVDs tucked away by my bed as well:
This is my desk where I keep the majority of my crafty things. You can see a sweet jar with material in and there's another behind, my old milk crate with ribbons and paints in, my knitting basket and my chalkboard:
I'm actually not very comfortable with showing everyone my room because despite being 19 I still like cuddly toys and have a dolly! (even though the dolly is japanese so it's special and not a toy, you'll learn about this in the next snippets i hope ;) ) I remember being in school and everyone decided that being 11 meant you were suddenly an adult, and you had to wear a bra and and throw away your childhood, I couldn't just enjoy being a kid so now I'm a big kid. I shouldn't really feel that I need to justify myself but I do.
The dandilions aren't actually finished and I need shelves and a new dressing table that's why it's a mess but it usually is anyway, i never usually make my bed or put the pillows and teddies on like that lol. The white teddy, called Snowy, at the side of my pillows has never been moved out of the room perminantly, my grandad gave it to me when I was about 5 and the last time i saw him before he died he asked me if I still had it, he was so chuffed when I said I had
I'd just like to point out that my make up on my dressing table is it a little basket thing that had bath things in it cuz it was a present but my make up is in it and I can carry it into my mum's room that has better mirrors and I've tied a ribbon around it (need to redo the ribbon) and I just think it was a very clever idea and it's recycling. I also have a very 'vintage' strawberry shaped glass bowl to put stuff in that used to be in our kitchen cupboards.
Your room's lovely, Queenie =) I think if you can show it anywhere, it can be here, no one's gonna judge you. That's why I love this site hehe <3
yep I like your rooms btw
I forgot to show thiiis
I bought it years ago and it's still got plastic on it so it doesn't get ruined that's gonna go up soon as well as a few other pictures
Jenna your room is so tidy!
KK your room looks like mine did when I was in my parents haha
Queenie I love your dandelions! If I could, I would paint them on my wardrobe, damn renting!
Well I live with my boyfriend, but the bedroom is pretty much mine. He has his computer desk and games consoles in the sitting room. We only have 3 rooms in the flat(and the loo) so not much space and no doors either eugh. We make do
It's a basement too, so that's why I have the light on while it looks really bright out.
<div class="thumbnail"><a href=""><img src="" alt="my room" /></a><br /><span style="font-family: Lucida Grande, Trebuchet, sans-serif, Helvetica, Arial; font-size: 10px; color: #808080">Uploaded with <a href="">plasq</a>'s <a href="">Skitch</a>!</span></div> OOh we sleep on the floor, it's actually not bad.
<div class="thumbnail"><a href=""><img src="" alt="desk" /></a><br /><span style="font-family: Lucida Grande, Trebuchet, sans-serif, Helvetica, Arial; font-size: 10px; color: #808080">Uploaded with <a href="">plasq</a>'s <a href="">Skitch</a>!</span></div>
<div class="thumbnail"><a href=""><img src="" alt="craft desk" /></a><br /><span style="font-family: Lucida Grande, Trebuchet, sans-serif, Helvetica, Arial; font-size: 10px; color: #808080">Uploaded with <a href="">plasq</a>'s <a href="">Skitch</a>!</span></div>
<div class="thumbnail"><a href=""><img src="" alt="comfy chair" /></a><br /><span style="font-family: Lucida Grande, Trebuchet, sans-serif, Helvetica, Arial; font-size: 10px; color: #808080">Uploaded with <a href="">plasq</a>'s <a href="">Skitch</a>!</span></div>
wow you guys have awesome rooms...unfortunately my room is still packed up from us moving in here back in march and we will be moving again in august. but I will take a pic of the room that I am mainly in and where I do my crafting once i figure out where the cam is lol!
Um, queenfairypants, move over because I'm moving into your room.
That is so awesome. I really liked the wispy feather designs in the first picture. Then I completely fell in love when I realized it was a dandelion! Did you paint that yourself? I am so stealing that idea and putting it.... somewhere. I don't know where. But somewhere.
okay not much is up cause being in the military you tend to not get to comfortable unless you know your going to be there for long while.
THIS IS my side of the entertainment center along with my handy crafty lockers.
my sewing area
MY CHAIR~! where I am posting my projects online
my lockers on the inside.
HAHAHAHAAHAHA thank you DJSPARKLES! Yes I did paint them myself The ones one the wall where my dresser is went a bit wrong because I just went for it. I'll do a how to and every thing if you want!? I was gonna do anyway but couldn't be bothered. I did the whole room with my mums help it took forever because we had to de-wallpaper the whole room then scrap off stuck on paint that was underneath! My boyfriend walked in when it was done and was like 'OOO daffodills!...I MEAN DANDILIONS!'. Thanks because I wasn't so into it, novelty wore off because it's still not finished but now I love it again.
Miss knittin kitten - i lurve your wallpaper - it's very girly and cute! And i definately ADORE the way your bookshelf/dvd shelf is built into the sides of your door. I am a major bookworm, and i would LOVE to have something like that!
And as for you madam fairypants! You know you MUST show us your stuffed animals. I'm 19 too, and i have a BAZILLION stuffed things- if it makes you feel better i shall post pictures of mine, and then that means you must post pictures of yours! Gah, i have care bears - you should see my my little ponies, popples, disney things, unicorns, beanie babies - i could fill and entire room with all the cuddlies i have! So don't worry- you aren't the only one!! And i love the dandelions!
Thanks for everyone who said my room was tidy - but it was a trick! I threw everything into my closet beforehand. bwahaha!
i cant wait till we get our house so I can decorate, my room looks awful compared to all yours lol!
QUEENFAIRYPANTS HOLY CRAP I LOVE YOUR ROOM!!! I really wanted to paint a DESIGN on my walls, but I could barely get mi madre to agree to grey.
and Knittin' Kitten, I love that painting the the last picture, its really cool! Seems rather ... androgony inspired, or at least thats what I get.
and Jenna, where did you get all of your unicorn pictures??? I'm not that into them, but there are SO MANY... is there like a unicorn SUPERSTORE or something?
Its really cool though, it seems very comfy.
so my room.
Well I have two rooms now. My art room, and my "sleep" room.
Art room, basically, overtaken by giant awesome circle "desk" of doom. Its actually one of those giant wire spindles for electicians [it BARELY fit through the door frame on its side, I was afraid] and its PAINTED LIKE A MANIAC. Splater paint, and meat-tenderizer textures [I thought it would look cool] and glitter glue, and a few signature very well hidden.
I love it.
btw, that cigarette carton is one of my mom's that I used to hold my beads in because I was making them in the car on our way from San Diego, California to Las Vegas [8 hour drive].
and my beautiful book shelf which was a WONDERFULY TACKY feux wood finnish, I painted white and splatter painted
Completely with glow sticks, wand, and old shoes I need to wash [muddy]
and my bedroom. I've just recently started "awesomefying" my walls, so they are pretty sparse at the moment, but its comming along great [I'm also in the process of CLEANING, and for me, when I clean, the room gets TONS MESSIER before it actually becomes clean... its weird, so don't mind the mess]. I NEED A COUCH!!!
More walls, and my stephen marley flag on the ceiling.
my organized that I just build from this cardboard I got whilst Dumpster Diving[and in the doorway, on the righthand side of it, you can see another door. thats my artroom.
My door which EVERYONE signs!!!
[even me, if you can read that]
and yea... thats that...
HOLY CRAP! I AM SO SORRY... I didn't realize they were giant pictures of doom :
sorry :/ lol.
haha that's a cool room Disarray. I used to put posters on the walls and then I moved them all to on the ceiling and it was cool at first but then the room felt small and I was scared of things living inbetween the ceiling and the posters lol.
Jenna - the cuddlies are all in a plastic basket thing on the floor with a load of ornaments off my shelves underneath them cuz there's no where else to put them at the mo.
I wish I could have a bigger bed or a sofa but then I wouldn't be able to move, only in circles! Having the loft converted would be so cool but there's no much room in there either! It's annoying from the outside our house looks huge!
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