Does anyone have any idea what this is????

So, I bought a bag of random jewelry at an antique store because it looked like there were some pretty cool beads that I could use. Next thing I know, I'm pulling this necklace out. It's in great condition, but I have no idea what the pendant's supposed to be. Also, this may help, on the back in teeny tiny writing, it says something like SHARMANIE with a copyright sign. so I was wondering, does anyone know what this is, 'cause I sure don't!

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8 replies since 2nd February 2013 • Last reply 2nd February 2013

here's a pic:

Medium snapshot 20130202 3
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It's supposed to be a cursive E, like this:

Medium e monogram stickers p217496607248237250envb3 400
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Thanks, I didn't think of that Happy

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cool necklace! I love finding fun grab bags!

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Thanx! lol, yeah, so do I! Happy

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Thats what that is! I was going crazy trying to figure that out!

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More importantly what the heck are you gonna do with it?

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Its a cursive E, it looks pretty modern for an antique store

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