Feeling Lazy

This evening I only worked on and finished one thing. I'm so tired I picked up my crochet hook and put it back down. Now I'm here laying in bed keeping warm because it's cold. Later I will crawl from under my blankets to go eat dinner and later attempt crafting again maybe.

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5 replies since 30th January 2013 • Last reply 30th January 2013

I've been feeling that way off and on since Christmas.
I'm barely doing any crafts but the ones with the most minimal of demands Tongue

Maybe it's a funk?
Then again, we all need a day or two every so often to just do nothing :]

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So true, last night I was just like the kitty in your pic.

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I have a feeling that I'm going to be rather lazy this weekend, after a whole week of sewing my butt off.

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Oh, I hate feeling like that! I want to do something, but I'm either too tired or no bothered to do anything! Gah - Mr Motivation seriously isn't doing his job at the moment!

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I'm with St.Ephanie! I have all kinds of "want" but no drive. Plus, we've getting the garden put up for winter and doing all the extra outside stuff. I feel depressingly unproductive!

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