When to turn Christmasy?

The shopping mall next to me has all of it's Christmas decorations up already, in fact I'm pretty sure they went up at the end of September / start of October, which makes me wonder how soon is too soon. When do you guys start decorating?

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5 replies since 16th November 2007 • Last reply 16th November 2007

I always thought 2-5 days after Thanksgiving. I have always thought Christmas more than a week before Thanksgiving is silly and overshadowing to what should also be a respected holiday of being thankful especially when Christmas has gotten so gimme gimme.

I saw Christmas stuff and heard Christmas music BEFORE Halloween this year. What the heck is up with that. All those stores want to do is get you in the mood to shop and line their pockets.

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Now. The middle of November but only to do shopping and things, infact i start xmas shopping at the end of October to spread the cost. I'd say 1st of December is the day to put up decorations.

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I put my fairylights in my window this evening and the town lights went up this week too. Here in Iceland due to the long dark days, most people put some kind of cool light fixtures in their windows in early-mid November and we leave them up(only in the windows) until it starts getting bright, which is prob March! haha
Xmas decorations though, we put up usually around the 12/13th Dec as thats when my boyfs birthday is Happy I think decorations before Dec is silly and xmas music before Dec is crazy!

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As far as presents go and xmas craft and stuff like that- around late cot, early November so you got that stuff out the way, in November is the time to shop for anything christmassy and to get more presents. 1st December onwards is when you should put up the lights,tree,decorate the house etc.
That's how it should be in my opinion.

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I know it's an awful cliche, but here in New York the stores really seem to start pushing xmas earlier every year. Some places had the decorations out before Halloween. But then I like to leave my Halloween decorations up till December, so...

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