woot...michelle has MSN


add me!

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10 replies since 10th November 2008 • Last reply 10th November 2008


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lol... Michelle ^^ Why you choose a German Nickname...? ^^ The German words you have taken are so funny.. hehe.. Your crazy ^^ *g* :-P

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lol, I like to be strange

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^^ *g* I like it.. My first nickname somewhere in the Internet was Fichtenelch ^^ ... Fichten= spruces, Elch=elk Happy
But..why all of you guys only have Msn? I use Icq... Happy Maybe I should make a Msn account,too. All english speaking People I know only use MSN... That´s weird ^^

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hmmm get msn. love t chat with u

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I only use Yahoo )= I'm not allowed to add to much stuff. Its the hubby's computer.

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tara you can add msn users on our yahoo

I added michellie already..go to add contacts and put in her email addy and it will say msn and it will add her.

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added michelle...sug could you give me address to tara over yahoo please!?

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I added you! I'm toros_cupcake@hotmail.com

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