just got done with my tonsillectomy.

It hurts... a lot. D:. I can barely remember going into surgery, or waking up. And I was out abour 12 hours ago. It pretty much sucks :[ SO, I have an idea. I'm going to try and make a bunch of crafty crafts that have to do with surgery and stuff Happy But its not all that bad, apparently its going to get worse Happy lol. Well I have to say so far, it was worth it. Happy But i CAN'T HAVE ICE CREAM OR ANYTHING, how much does that suck? No ice cream or yogurt or any dairy products. It makes me mucho sad :[ just have to wait 5 or 6 days then I'm going to get as many wendy's Frosties I can buy! Happy That'll be fun. So yea... I SUGGEST ALL OF YOU try and come up with other fun surgery-related crafty crafts [I'm currently working on a tribute to our friend sugarlishes] Happy

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12 replies since 14th October 2008 • Last reply 14th October 2008

what!? they always say you get ice cream after!! they lied to us so we wouldn't be scared! I've still got my tonsills though...

I think you should go and get Ben and Jerry's I would, you neeed ice cream and that's posh and expensive (£4 a tub!)

Make little tonsills with fimo and put them in a jar lol

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I had my tonsils out the day after my 18th bday!! I woke up about the same as you, so groggy. They do not give you ice cream, only hard stuff! I think I was given cornflakes!
I was out of work for 3 weeks afterwards. I was a smoker then too so it hurt so bad to smoke.

Hope you feel better soon Happy

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Well they don't give us Dairy because it creates mucus which isn't good [which is also why singers don't have dairy before they go onstage]. And I can't have hard food for 2 weeks, thats crazy they gave you corn flakes! I could NOT do that. I can barley swallow pudding. :

But yea, I've heard way to many horror stories from tonsillectomies to NOT do what they tell me to.

My friends aunt died after getting a tonsillectomy because before the procedure, she had aspirin [which is a big no-no!] and she bled to death [aspirin is a blood thinner]. So yea, I complain, but I'm not going to do anything about it because I want to get better faster.
I'm trying to swallow some jellow with cream, but its so hard to chew. My tongue is completely swollen and I can't open my mouth more than a half-inch.

But yea, apparently [this is day 2 btw] around day 8-9 is the WORST pain ever. Some people said it is the worst pain one will feel in their entire adult life [a few women said even worse than childbirth... but they were probably WAY drugged up].

Its really not that bad right now, like.... I expected much worse. And I'm TRYING to expect the worst for day 8-9 but I keep thinking it will get better, even though everyone says it will get worse first.

But yea.... Still worth it. Happy

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well everyone is different, you're preparing yourself but then if any more pain comes you might be like 'well this isn't so bad', get well soon!

people not doing what the doctor tells them infuriates me, hellooo they have degrees, I think they know these things!

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They gave me a valium before I got mine out and then strawberry scented sleeping gas Happy
Maybe it wasn't cornflakes maybe it was toast? It's a long time ago! I know I was very sad that the ice cream was a lie! I was in hospital for 5 days, then at home in bed for the rest. I read a lot of Calvin and Hobbes hehe

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lol opposites! Corn flakes, toast, anything like that all the doctors and sites told me NTO to have. I can't even have NORMAL bread [no toasted] for a week. Its all way to hard. I remember when I woke up they gave me ice chips and then a popsickle. It was fun [not... lol]

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yeh see they told me that I had to toughen up the area. When I went home I pretty much ate soggy cornflakes in warm milk Happy

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I never had mine out...but I had my wisdom teeth removed, and that was bad, my gums were swollen and I could not eat.

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Sugar got back from her surgery around 3 today, so she's doing good i think! You should make a fake cast as a tribute to her ;-)

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I hope you feel better soon! <3

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Oh I had one wisdom tooth out too, I fainted after, very painful.

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Hope you recover quickly, I'm currently laid up with my 2nd bout of tonsilitis in 3 weeks! but my doctor refuses to refer me to a specialist and private treatment is way out of our reach!

Keep us updated..... <3

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