another 6 weeks of bed rest

oh joy.

another six weeks of me being in bed. I have physio next tuesday, so I hope it goes well.

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12 replies since 19th September 2008 • Last reply 19th September 2008

good luck!

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*fingers crossed for Michelle*

To me, 6 weeks of bed rest sounds like heaven haha, no college! Happy. I know it's probably not nice at all actually having to go through it though.

You should have my lovely parcel of goodies for the swap coming through in that time though (but I've got no idea how long the post will take :\) so you'll have that to look forward to Happy

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woot! I shall be sending yours out soon as well. just deciding on the goodies

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six weeks of more bed rest, if you are anything like me we dont like sitting..we are super ppls that must go save ppl from evil paper cuts and unmatched color schemes! aaaaaaaaaahhahahaha! *flexes arms*

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lol, love you sug.

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I'm obviously a noob who is out of the loop here... why do you have to have 6 weeks of bed rest?

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I was going to ask the same question as Rainbow. Sorry by the way.

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thanks guys

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yeah so why do you have 6 weeks in bed? anyways, hope you get better

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I hurt my knee, and now the tendons need to heal

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ouchie, hope you heal quickly Happy

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me too! thanks

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