crochet gift for boyfriend? O.o
my boyfriend is big on giving me gifts but he knows me so well that whatever he gives me is personal and special....however, im terrible at buying gifts for people T_T seriously, very bad...
so i thought that since crochet is my best area of craft, i might make him something...but what? o.o any ideas or helpful suggestions? (anything but teddies hes not the teddy type).
any input is really appreciated, especially if patterns are included (but not necessary of course) ^_^
what about a toque or scarf? Or, if you have more time, a blanket? He could even help pick out the colours maybe so it'd be perfect.
It obviously depends on what type of things your boyfriend is into but here's some boy-ish type crochet patterns that I've collected:
thank you for the great suggestions
i think that now its approaching winter (where i am anyway) i'll take your suggestions and make him a blanket or scarf...i hope he likes it :3
...oh and additionally, thank you Libby W. for including patterns it just so happens that the ones you included that were quite sci-fi and gamer based are his kind of thing. convenient
Thats cool. Glad I could be of help.
If he enjoys any geekery, maybe you could crochet him some amigurumi. Say he likes Pokemon.....then crochet him his fav Pokemon!
haha thank you ive already shown off my amigurumi skills to him and have done just that (i crocheted him a charmader ^_^) but i guess i could start work on the other 149, eh? thanks for the input
its very much appreciated
What about Sackboy from Little Big Planet? Or someone from another video game? Good luck
wow what a very good pattern video and all, thank you very much ^^
I agree with Lacey. Something useful rather than something purely decorative. I don't know a lot of guys who are into plushies, you know? You might hit the nail on the head with an amigurumi, but it's not as likely, especially if you're really unsure.
Scarf, sweater, throw, blanket. Also, I wouldn't get too creative. I've seen things like football-themed throws for guys. The effect, in crochet, kind of misses cool. Stripes, checks, cables, and argyle, however, are classics. If he's more of a casual guy, stick with a simpler design and avoid clothes. If he's more of a classy guy, you can get a little fancier, but I'd stay really masculine.
You literally can't go wrong with a blanket, everyone needs them. (Although I realize it's too late to start on a project like that for Christmas.) If you want it to really be a surprise, base your color scheme on the colors he tends to wear.
There are 151 Pokemon in the original "Kanto" series. There's a blogger on blogspot with an astonishing amount of them in amigurumi pattern form I think it's on blogspot. Either way, just a tip for when you search Google for the patterns Wolfdreamer is her blog name. And great idea with the star wars blanket! I just wonder what I could make for my boyfriend since he's not into the sci-fi an video game stuff like I am. -.-
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