Projects for a knitting newbie

My mother taught me some basic knitting techniques yesterday and I have been practising them a lot. Are there any projects you guys know of on this site or others that won't be too complex for my current knitting skills but will help me improve? I've started knitting a basic one colour scarf, but need ideas of what I can do after that.

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4 replies since 7th September 2011 • Last reply 7th September 2011

I like using fancy yarns to make simple strips.Then sew them up to make mini bags.
Only requires knit stitch a few mistakes doesn't matter.You can experiment with other stitches too.

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Fingerless mitts or armwarmers are easy....I've just listed a "how to" here:

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nora c. I loved your mitts because they are a little punk!

Rawr rawr x. you can make a mug cozy
or leg warmers
or try to knit some squares then sew them together making something bigger like a pillow case or a little blanket
(works for me because I'm bored really fast with a project)


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double knit is always fun! That's when you knit with 2 colours but your fabric is 2 layers thick and inverse colours on one side. It takes quite a long time, but looks really neat. Try this project:
here's how it works:

good luck!

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